11/5/18 Essentials of Marketing
Yaya Group Work:
Group tasks
- Who will put together the written report? And how will you share the document?
- Who is responsible for which segment of the report/for research?
- Who will create the PowerPoint or Prezi presentation?
- Who will create the “talking points” for the presentation? (10 minutes max)
- What are your ideas for Yaya?
Social Media
Incorporating Grandmother image into brand story
Mission Statement—“as is” or is your group suggesting changes?
**make sure that whatever you suggest is not already being done by Yaya
- Who is the target market for your location?
- What are the segmentation variables?
- Any possibilities to capture new markets in your location?
- How is the brand positioned?
OpenLab Assignment, post is due before next class:
- Explore Yaya’s social media (you should already be following them)
- Grab a screen shot of what you think is the most effective post
- Post the screenshot on OpenLab
- Explain why the particular post you chose is effective, how does it relate to the brand?
- Comment on a classmate’s post