- I am an adventure
- I wasn’t surprised by the results, i actually somewhat expected it to appear the way it did.
- I believe my strength of my personality is being passionate, charming, sensitive to others, imaginative, curious, and artistic. My weakness is being fiercely independent, unpredictable, easily stressed,overly competitive, and fluctuating self-esteem.
- The best way for a marketer to get my attention to buy their product is presenting facts that are appealing and displaying its value.
- Based on the test the type of marketing job that would be best for me is management. This certainly align with the type of marketing job that I want just because I don’t want to be controlled, I’m a great listener and I’m observant.
1. I am an extravert.
2. The results didn’t really surprise me, because I knew what was expected .
3. My strong characteristics are getting to know people by feeling their emotions, sort of sense the emotions they are giving out. Plus it said that I really like to judge people before talking to them. I would rather judge than perceive. I would rather feel if someone is being honest or lying than thinking about it or looking at the facts.
4. If a marketer wanted to get me to buy a product he would have to connect with me as in feelings, get to know me more.
5. The careers type of job they suggested is management. That way I can listen to the people and give them proper instructions.
2.) My personality type is a Commander.
3.) I wasn’t surprised at all by the results, I have a very good understanding of myself.
4.) The strengths of my personality type stem from me being strong willed and a natural born leader who doesn’t crack under any form of pressure. A commanders weaknesses stem from a lack of emotions, often coming off as cold and even detached towards others.
5.) A marketer should be straight to the point and telling me any setbacks that come with a product as well as its benefits.
6.) The best jobs for a commander lye within the corporate world, being CEO’s and other forms of management and supervisory roles.
2. I am an extravert.
3. I was not astonished by the results because I was aware of my nature.
4. My strengths are- I’m curious, observant, energetic and enthusiastic, excellent communicators, I know how to relax and I’m very popular and friendly.
My weaknesses are- Poor practical skills, find it difficult to focus, overthink things, get stressed easily, highly emotional, independent to a fault.
5. He would have to connect with me by expectation levels if a marketer wanted to get my attention and get me to buy a product.
6. Based on the result, it shows I should be a campaigner where I can explore things and be creative in making ideas.