Unit 3 Proposal

So with my question in Unit 2 being based around what it takes to become successful with content creation, I figured I would make a ā€œHow toā€ video demonstrating the procedure in the form of an instagram reel. I thought that using this format would make it easier to relay this information since it seems as though a fair portion of this generationā€™s attention span is declining. I hope my creation manages to reach the eyes and ears of those who may want to achieve a certain social status, business owners, and future content creators for entertainment or educational purposes. I want to be able to teach my audience the steps in beginning oneā€™s journey as a content creator, a method or two in disciplining yourself, and the flexibility that these skills offer. Before anything, I think I want to settle the overall amount of steps into at most 4-5 steps to lower the chance of losing my audienceā€™s undivided attention. One of my biggest worries is how much my creation would really attract my target audience.

Unit 3

In this unit, I want to focus on the importance of music. I want to teach how music can change a personā€™s mood. While I was doing my research paper, I would listen to music to make it seem that I was enjoying writing it. Iā€™m trying to reach out to students who hear music while they do their work to let the day fly by quickly. I think the format and genre of what I would be doing would be an article or a lecture. Itā€™s going to be difficult because it may sound streched out with a lot of information, Also not making it to short