Unit 3 proposal

My audience will leave knowing the importance of judgment and how it play a role in the way we look at people. They will understand the generational differences in immigrants and the way they were treated back in the 18-1900’s vs in today’s generation. I learned that when an immigrants child or a immigrant does not speak Spanish there is more to it it isn’t just the fact they weren’t thought Spanish it has a lot to do with their background I also learned the term “no sano kid” actually offends some people in which the internet makes this as a innocent joke.  My targeted audience is the Latino community, especially immigrants who speak Spanish and the ones that don’t. I am planning to make a TED talk or a post on social media, I feel like this community is really involved in the internet. One of my worries is the way people might react to my point of view my ideas and thoughts won’t align with everyone’s, but I think is great to put the message that judging your own community isn’t the best and being hateful towards someone who isn’t connected fully to their roots isn’t an opening to start judgement. 

1 thought on “Unit 3 proposal”

  1. I’m actually very interested in listening to this Ted talk because it’s a way you can really get people’s attention. I also think it’s good for people to know how life can be different throughout the generations specifically in the 18-1900’s like you said compared to now. I understand your worries but I think that you are capable of broadening out your ideas to make people listen to what you have to say. I also think you can say your ideas through Tiktok as well since it’s such a big global platform you might be able to find other videos similar to what you want to discuss.

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