Homework 3.6

A friend of mine introduced me to the stock market in late July of 2022. He was constantly sending me posts from Twitter of young teenagers with luxurious cars and designer bags etc and ever since then I’ve been super interested and fully committed to trading. The Stock market crash of 1929 was extremely fascinating to me, I wanted to know every detail about the crash, which is why I ultimately decided to research about The Great Depression. The purpose of my project is to remind people of all ages about a significant part of American history. This topic was brought up to me when I was in middle school and was never taught again in High school and as someone who did not pay much attention in history class, I feel like this is a great opportunity to research and educate myself and others about this topic. While this topic may not be interesting to some people, I personally think those who are interested in American history or those who’s studying to become an economist should enjoy reading my project. Therefore, I am mainly targeting those who are interested in the economy and stock market related stuff. A short yet informative Twitter thread will catch many people’s attention, with pictures added, it should be very straight forward. My Twitter thread is logos because I am writing about the causes of the Great depression which is heavily fact based therefore a Twitter thread will be best for this kind of topic. I like how neat and organized a thread is which is why I like this genre for my audience. Reading a twitter thread is almost like looking at an instruction booklet because it provides information in order from beginning to end. There are already too many articles, Youtube videos, and newspapers about The Great Depression so I figured doing a Twitter thread will be something new and engaging to readers. But because this is my first time working on a Twitter thread, I was pretty much disoriented and didn’t know how to start so the first step I took was to go through Twitter, look at other people’s threads and use it as a road map. I needed a Twitter thread template to write my draft and I stumbled upon Typefully.com where I am currently working on my draft. In the thread I introduced my topic, then I began to talk about the causes of the Great Depression, and then I added some pictures for my visual audience. My original plan was to write about the causes, the hardships people faced, and end it with how the depression was cured, but because Twitter threads have word limits I decided to not mention about the hardships because it should be self explanatory. I am pretty satisfied with my work even though I couldn’t add every detail, at least I mentioned the most important ones, but so far the thread looks really neat and professional and I am really happy with myself being my first time doing a project like this. One thing I would fix in my project is to add supporting evidence that supports my reasonings or even use quotes from my research. Reflecting on the process, I can’t say this project was easy or hard, at times I felt both ways, but I really hope my audience is able to learn something new and valuable to them. Additionally, doing a project  like this in college will really prepare me in the future when I am required to write an informative document or an author’s statement just like this one.

unit 3 proposal

  • In Unit 2, I chose the topic, “How have laws changed from the 1800s to today.” I chose this topic because I believe that many of us, both adults and children, are unaware of what is going on with immigration, the laws in place, and how it impacts them. This is some information that I believe all students/children should be aware of because they do not receive sufficient information about it in school or outside of school. I want my readers (kids aged 10 to 13) to understand what immigration is, how it affects them, and what restrictions they must follow. I’d like to teach kids in a brochure, because I believe that visuals and text boxes in bubbles would attract their attention and encourage them to read it. My first step would be to gather my information and put it in simple form so they can be able to understand and not be questioning about any big words or anything like that. The only concern would be not getting the right information for my audience. 

Homework 3.1

For those who may aspire to one day produce meaningful content to thousands of users, an aspect in which they might overlook is their mindset going into content creation. Known user and UGC (User Generated Content) creator iamelisari does a very well job explaining this matter by addressing it as something you have complete control over. You can choose to be happy or you can choose to be sad and beat yourself up about what you did wrong. More specifically, Elisa provides an example of this by comparing it to when you write a bad paper for math class in which you start to think bad of yourself, or when you write a great essay for English class and you think to yourself that you’re a good writer. What we can take from this kind of example is that “This mindset dominates our thoughts for the rest of our lives unless we actively do something about it.” Furthermore, with this mindset, you can apply it to almost any occupation including content creation so you can always look forward to doing a better job at it and increasing the likeliness of successfully laying a foundation for your own target audience.