Source Entry #1

While reading through the article, “The Future of AI: How Artificial Intelligence Will Change the World”, I’ve found that Artificial Intelligence is getting close to answering questions that us humans are dying to get answers to. The reason why is because AI does not fully understand human languages so when it does, we are one step closer to AI fetching answers humans could not find on their own. Writer Mike Thomas states, “However, if we reach a point where AI is able to understand our languages, AI systems would be able to read and understand everything ever written. ‘Once we have that capability, you could then query all of human knowledge and it would be able to synthesize and integrate and answer questions that no human being has ever been able to answer,’ Russell add,” Thomas, the writer of this article, got his information from an internationally renowned AI expert, Stuart Russell, so for a AI expert to say that all AI truly needs is to learn human languages to answer questions or problems that humans can’t solve, then I’d say we are pretty close to a self teaching Artificial intelligence.

Source Entry #2

Source Entry #2 . Research Question: How did evolution of animation in movie industry evolved throughout the years? Article I chose for Source Entry #2 “The Promotion of American Culture through Hollywood Movies to the World” published by Wanwarang Maisuwong,Thammasat University.

Even though my research question is about how animation evolved throughout the years. And animation is main part of my project, animation is important because it makes us be able to tell stories and communicate emotions and ideas in a unique, easy to perceive way that both small children and adults can understand. Animation has helped connect people throughout the world in a way that sometimes writing and live action films cannot. But I also wanted to add and talk about cultural aspect in movie industry, because we all know that cultural part plays a huge role even in the movie industry and its evolution.

Article “The Promotion of American Culture through Hollywood Movies to the World” stated a deeper information on the topic of how audience and cultural / American part played a big role in movie production and reversed. The American’s films are not only viewed in the America, but they are and been viewed by the massive audience around the whole world.  Additionally, the American film firms dominate the majority of market share in the world film industry. The promotion of American culture through films is a phenomenon, where America subtly wants to dominate the world by spreading out its own culture and tradition through the movies. Cultural Imperialism is a domination of a more recognized culture over other cultures, in other word. Cultural imperialism can be due to economic and technological factors. For example, Hollywood is double sided sward, the
Hollywood movie can influence the people around the world, and it gives several impacts both positively and as well as negatively. It effects every aspect such as politics, economics, army or even entertainment. Hollywood has always been considered fashion leader, where the actors and actresses in the movies portray fashionable hairstyle, cloth, make up, and etc. Otherwise, Hollywood movies always contain the rude words or aggressive behavior of Americans which resulted to the audience to imitate and adopt those things to their daily life. Hollywood is the succeed story of America which it works as an instrument to affect the ideology, and culture of the world populations. Also, in all of that story animation plays a big role as well, it’s been and will be watched by different age groups. The kids and adults idealize their favorite animated characters and their behavior, they basically cosplay/trying to copy to the “closest perfect” their looks, their language etc.

Post done by Iuliia Khutsishvili. Link to the article website : The Promotion of American Culture through Hollywood Movies to the World ( .


Source Entry #1

Source entry #1. Research Question: How did evolution of animation in movie production evolved throughout the years?   Article I chose ” The history of animation; celebrating Disney’s 100 years of stories ” posted by NYFA.

An article “The history of animation” published by NYFA / 3D animation & VFX / Industry Friends is a great start for my research project. The article posted on New York Film Academy website provides informative and deepened information about the history of animation and overall evolution of Disney with a specified timeline of years 1940’s to nowadays. The animation industry has become an absolute “giant” in the world of cinema. Despite the huge different varieties of companies/teams and of course years of efforts required to make modern animated films, author also mentions the crazy statistical percentage data. The animation industry dominates as the most profitable genre, posting an impressive 52% gross margin since 2004, leaving the second most profitable genre, which is action in the dust of at 48%. Adventure movies which are animated is the number 1 genre for earning the money. For example, despite of talking about Disney production, the movie “Avatar” still stands in the first place since 2009, with its 2.8 billion US dollars in box office, is the world’s highest-grossing film of all time. But let’s leave a statistic(s) a little behind for now and get deeper into the actual effect evolution. Of course, animation wasn’t always a multimillion dollar affair…  It’s hard to define what the first ever animation was, as it depends entirely on what is classified as an animation. Given that animation, at its heart is simply the act of creating the illusion of movement through still images, you could argue that the craft began hundreds of thousands of years ago. We are all familiar with the stereotypical cave painting imagery, which usually depicts hunting in motion, that what the first animation was like. Over the next decade, more experimental animation techniques, including rotoscoping technique were developed, producing some hit or miss results. However, the opening of small studio in LA changed the whole game / movie industry forever. With more innovations and notable works over the 20th century (and beyond) than we could ever hope to list here, Disney’s studio and tumultuous history set a precedent for the entire animation industry. Disney Studios also inspired the popular 12 principles of animation, which many animators use and swear by nowadays as well.

Posted by Iuliia Khutsishvili. Link to the article : The History of Animation: Celebrating Disney’s 100 Years of Stories ( .