
Jean Caldwell & Timothy G. O’Driscoll, ‘’What Caused The Great Depression’’ Social Education 71(2), pp 70–74 ©2007 National Council for the Social Studies


                   Jean Caldwell and Timothy G. O’Driscoll, ‘’What Caused The Great Depression’’, provides insightful and informative details about the causes of the Great Depression. The authors delineate depression, also known as ‘’recession’’,  occurs when there is not enough demand for goods or services that companies produce. During this time, consumers mitigate purchasing goods from businesses. In consequence, a lot of goods will be unsold and companies will start to cut production, laying off people. As a result people lose their jobs, businesses will have fewer customers, decrease in consumer spending, and many people’s income will decrease. Other causes mentioned by the authors is Feds increasing interest rates in 1930-1931. When interest rates increase, people will be charged a higher interest when they borrow money from banks, mortgage rates will increase, businesses will run out of business due to consumers not spending their money. It is also very vital to consider the Federal Reserve System’s role during the Great Depression. Jean Caldwell and Timothy G. O’Driscoll analysis highlights a critical view of this historical event, stating that, ‘’The Great Depression may have originated in a fall in total demand, but its length and severity resulted primarily from the unwillingness of the federal reserve system and to maintain a large enough money supply’’ The authors is revealing to us that the Great Depression went on for a longer duration time than expected due to the federal reserve’s failure to supply money, which could have shorten the Great Depression as well as recover from it faster.  


Source Entry #1

Cohen, Lizabeth.’’The lessons of the Great Depression’’https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2020/05/how-rebuild-nation/611704/, 17, May 2020


The article ‘’The Lessons Of The Great Depression’’, the author talks about the struggles  people went through during The Great Depression. The article further talks about the failure of President Hoover which contributed to Roosevelt’s election victory. President Hoover was unable to set up effective strategies to cure The Great Depression and because of his failure Roosevelt was elected as president in 1933. President Roosevelt helped the federal government get involved to help cure The Great Depression.  In response to this disaster, the federal government funded reliefs, created more jobs, and infrastructure for Americans to operate. This was the ‘’New Deal’’ President Roosevelt enacted. Lizabeth Cohen emphasized the hardships Americans went through during The Great Depression and how President Roosvelt responded to this event when she said ‘’ American did not merely endure the Great Depression; its response transformed it into a richer and more equitable society’’ In short,  Lizabeth Cohen believes that the American people did not just survive the Great Depression, but the actions that President Roosevelt  took by establishing the ‘’New Deal’’ helped those who went through hardships as well as making the country wealthier and more equitable for Americans. I strongly agree with Lizabeth Cohen’s statement because president Roosevelt did indeed promise Americans a ‘’New Deal’’ which was able to pull America away from an economic and political disaster. 


The Great Depression is an important history that people should learn about because it teaches us an important role: money, banks, and the stock market play a role in our economy. Additionally, it teaches people to always plan ahead because anything can happen. In my research, I found multiple causes of the Great Depression, before research, I thought there was only one cause which was the crash of the stock market. 


My research on the causes, the responses from our president, and the consequences of the Great Depression has given me a better understanding of what happened during a crucial period in American history. What surprised me was the complicated nature of the Great Depression, with both economic and political factors that played an important role during this crisis. The research I did cleared up my confusions about the causes and the remarks our presidents gave. During the 1920s, the stock market was showing strength, as stock prices rose, people started buying shares, but the most absurd thing people did is pour their entire life savings on it, some even borrowed money from banks to buy stocks which is commonly known as buying stocks on margin. As the stock market started to decline and eventually crash in 1929, investors lost their money and those who were foolish enough to borrow money from banks, had to not only suffer from their initial investment, but ended up in debt because they needed to pay banks back with interest. The crash affected many businesses, consumers started spending less of their money because most people were in debt, the demand for goods decreased, leading to layoffs and reduced industrial production, which caused further reduced spending. Additionally, the unwillingness of the federal reserve system to supply people with more money also prolonged the Great Depression more than it should have. This all happened when President Hoover was still in office, he did so little to help out struggling Americans, although he did try to implement some steps to address the Great Depression, these were useless and ineffective. He believed that this type of event was bound to happen, therefore he made every American endure difficult times like this without caring for them. Hoover’s failure ultimately caused him to lose the election in 1932, President Roosevelt winning the election. Unlike Hoover, President Roosevelt initiated a program called ‘’New Deal’’, which created more jobs, provided reliefs to those affected, and improved infrastructure. The New Deal positively impacted the US economy and eventually brought America out of the Great Depression. It is very important for me to understand the causes and the consequences of the Great Depression because this topic will remain relevant forever. An economic decline does not just affect one country, it affects countries around the world, it also teaches me to not do risky investments. I strongly believe that the government, economists, and investors should know about the Great Depression. The government could use old strategies from the past to restore a declining economy in case something similar to the Great depression happens again in the future. To avoid another failing economy, economists should enhance their understanding on this topic in order to keep today’s economy healthy. Investors can practice risk management and make smart investment choices by studying old data because who knows, the stock market can crash again. 

Source Entry #2

After reading an article about the Space Force history, it makes sense as to why the Air Force and Space Force are connected. In this article, written by Brett Tingley published on February 14, 2023, he explains very well the relationship between these two branches and how the Air Force came to be. Tingley states, “The history of the U.S. Space Force dates back to 1954 when the U.S. Air Force created a division tasked with overseeing the U.S. military’s ballistic missiles.” By stating this he shows the first steps that the military took in space to eventually become the Space Force in 2019. He goes on to then talk about how since this division was created in the Air Force, it was named the Air Force Space Command in 1982. The author tied in his ideas by stating this due to the fact that we can all pin point where, when, and how it began. By doing so, it allows readers to develop a better understanding of the overall question, what is the Space Force. It concludes that for the most part, it used to be a part of the Air Force in which they worked on satellites, but then branched off into their own branch of the military.

Bibliography draft

Jane Wilson (MMed, BMed, PGCert,) is a specialist in speech and language therapy, She has worked in schools, and community clinics and provides guidance to parents and teachers in early children’s speech and language therapy. In a YouTube video conference provided by ED Psych 4 Kids titled: “Speech Delay During the Pandemic: How to help Under 5s” Jane Wilson depicts the important behavioral factors in the pandemic that led to the increase in speech delay. In the video at 20 minutes and 39 seconds, Jane Wilson says: “Really importantly this reduced opportunities reduced exposure to new vocabulary, because we had few activities, restrictions in seeing extended family, and setting closures. And it has really counted because children learn vocabulary by repeated exposure.” (Wilson, 2021). According to Wilson, the lack of social interactions and opportunities for children because of the pandemic restrictions, has affected the decrease in the development of new vocabulary. Children do not get to hang out and participate in activities that will help their verbal communication. Another important quote is when she explains how masks have affected the visual part of speech development in young children: “For our young children what we know is that that visual feedback alongside everything that they are hearing, alongside their auditory, it is important also getting visual feedback from what you are doing with your articulacy..they are starting to see more and more children, especially this cohort, starting with very unclear speech, and I’m wondering whether this is part of this dampening effect of the mask.” (Wilson, 2021). The author makes a great point here making a reflection of the behavioral factors during the pandemic that lead to the decrease in speech development. The speaker illustrates the idea that wearing a mask affected the way children learned to speak during the pandemic, as they did not have that visual component of seeing others pronounce and articulate their words. The visual part when learning to speak is very important and Jane Wilson is correct with her point about wearing masks during the pandemic because if children are not able to see how a person is pronouncing a word, they will not be able to effectively articulate and create the exact pronunciation.

Dani Dumitriu, MD, PhD, is a pediatrician in the Well Baby Nursery at NewYork-Presbyterian Morgan Stanley Children’s Hospital. He researched the potential risks of developmental delay in children born during the COVID-19 pandemic. Dani Dumitriu states: “Risk for developmental delay is increased among pandemic-born infants, especially among females and within the Communication and Personal-Social domains. Healthcare and education systems will need to be prepared to provide additional resources to support these infants as they develop” (Dumitriu, 2022) “PdP infants also had significantly higher risk for developmental delay (Table 1) in the Communication and Personal-Social domains, where the odds ratios for scoring 2 SD below the mean were 2.5 and 1.5, respectively, relative to pre-pandemic data. When stratified by sex, the odds ratios for risk of developmental delay were generally higher among female infants” (Dimitru, 2022). He emphasizes well how the pandemic had an impact on children born during that time. This is important because this demonstrates the increase in developmental delay in children born during the pandemic but also how female infants were at higher risk.

Published on March 14, 2023, doctors wrote a research paper about the secondary impacts of the pandemic. The research studies the exponential increase in speech delay diagnosis in infants during, and after the pandemic. In the results, page 2 of the research states: “Increases in speech disorder diagnoses were most significant in infants and toddlers ages 0 to 2. This age group saw a 136% increase in new diagnoses in 2022, compared with the pre-pandemic rate. Children ages 3 to 5 made up the largest portion of patients with new speech disorder diagnoses both before and after the onset of the pandemic, but the rate more than doubled in this group as well, increasing by 107%.” Followed, a graph titled: “Diagnosis of Speech Language Disorders In Ages 0-12”. According to the graph, it is very clear the fact that by 2022, the number of diagnoses of speech-language disorders will double since 2018. Going from 500,000 to over 1,250,000.

In my research, I found that there was an exponential increase in children’s speech-language development. I learned about some of the factors that led to this increase like the decrease in opportunities and social interactions, as well as mask wearing. I had already expected a large increase but I definitely did not expect it to more than double. My understanding of my question changed in a way that first I thought it would just be environmental, social, and physical factors that led to an increase in speech delay but there is also a relationship to income in families that led to this. What I learned is very important because these are things that we have known that affected new generations and children born during the pandemic. Also, this will be seen in the future as something strange and since it has reasoning that’s why we should understand it now. Families, doctors, and teachers should know about this information because it has been seen a lot more these years and affecting new generations.