Source Entry #3.

Final Source Entry by Iuliia Khutsishvili.

My research question was “How did evolution of animation in movie production evolved throughout the years? “. The reason for me choosing this question was a huge interest to dig deeper into the movie production, especially animation part and it is history. The first source entry I did was mostly about how animation evolved, how the first movie effects were created in Disney and other companies. While researching to write my Source entry #1, I found out a lot about how first movie effects were created, now I know much better about the timeline of animation evolution and also that this is one of the most popular and demandable genres which’s income and overall profit is even overtakes the action genre. In my second Source Entry I wanted to research about how did cultural part play’s role in US movie animation industry. Because we all know that cultural and political parts are considered the huge chunks of any industry. The about it was really interesting because I found out some important things that could be added up and be related to the evolution as well. For example, as I stated in second source entry: Article “The Promotion of American Culture through Hollywood Movies to the World” stated a deeper information on the topic of how audience and cultural / American part played a big role in movie production and reversed. The American’s films are not only viewed in the America, but they are and been viewed by the massive audience around the whole world.  Additionally, the American film firms dominate the majority of market share in the world film industry. The promotion of American culture through films is a phenomenon, where America subtly wants to dominate the world by spreading out its own culture and tradition through the movies ETC.  Overall, this is my final third source entry, where I just wanted to add up briefly what I have learned so far based on my research question .In my draft and final paper I will not only combine three source entries together I will also add up some stuff to make it more filled with facts and knowledge (some stuff that did not fit in into the source entries earlier). The targeted audience for this paper/project is a specific group of people, either the once who are interested in learning the history of movie production especially the animation part or it could the people who are studying the movie industry/acting/cinematography.

source entry #1

 According to the article “Early Immigration Policies- USCIS,” policies in the 18th and 19th centuries were “Americans encouraged relatively free and open immigration,” implying that the United States was more friendly until the late 1800s. Where things started to change in the late 1800s. After the Civil War, certain states started passing their immigration laws. In 1875, the Supreme Court determined that immigration regulation was a government obligation. This marked an important change in the way the United States dealt with immigration. They were given more freedom and possibilities during the time. Later, the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882, as well as other immigration regulations that limited particular laborers and placed taxes on immigrants entering the United States, were enacted. These regulations were designed to limit immigration and exclude specific categories of people.

rough draft

Lesly Lucero Sosa 


My research topic will be about a tick tock  video I saw about a republican named Vivek Ramaswamy who is coming for US born citizens of undocumented immigrants. He states if republicans win the election, they will deport children of undocumented immigrants regardless if the children were born in the US. He is an illegal immigrant himself but still continues to discuss and agree to this. My question is why are republicans such as him against immigrants. Why are people in general against immigrant people? Why does he want to do this? As someone with immigrant parents  I think it’s unfair for them to be going through this. They worked hard to come to this country and have an opportunity to get out of poverty. Many immigrants come here to get a job and work so they can provide for their family in their other country. Both my parents came here at a young age and began working to provide for their parents in mexico. I think it’s very unfortunate and scary for them because they come to this new country knowing absolutely nothing or knowing where to go. My mom was sad leaving her parents behind in order to have a better future but fortunately she is here today happy and successful.  Thousands of illegal immigrants try to pass the border everyday and unfortunately some don’t make it. They leave their whole life and family behind in order to come here and have an opportunity to work. Immigrants also get discriminated against and targeted all the time. Immigrants haven’t done any harm towards Americans to be treated this way. Throughout my research I expect to find answers to my question. I expect to find why Vivek ramaswamy wants to deport illegal immigrants children and parents. I expect to find the root cause of why people started discriminating against illegal immigrants, when did it occur   , how and why. I expect to find information from the other side of the story and why they feel this way towards immigrants. I also expect to find articles and interviews about Vivek Ramaswamy about how he is planning to do what he says. 


“Anti-Immigrant Arguments against Immigration Reform.” ADL, 3 May 2023, 

In the article, “Anti-immigrant arguments against immigration reform”, it talked about how anti immigrant groups and movements express their opinion towards why they are against the immigration reform. The immigration reform is a bill that current president, joe biden sent to congress where it emphasizes how hardworking immigrants who have been living here for a long period of time should get a citizenship and have an opportunity to live a better life. Anti immigrants discuss how they need to lower the amount of immigrants that come to the United states so that Americans have more employment opportunities. One of the many things anti-immigrants members say in the article about the bill are,  “ Ric Oberlink, a spokesperson for the Santa Barbara-based anti-immigrant group Californians for Population Stabilization (CAPS), told the Los Angeles Times on April 16, “When we have massive unemployment in the U.S., I don’t think we need to be increasing immigration and bringing in people to take jobs when there are American citizens and legal immigrants who need jobs.” Many anti-immigrants agree with what rick obelink says about immigrants claiming that they are taking the jobs of the people born in america. Because of an increase of immigrants coming to the U.S they are most likely the ones getting employed since that’s what they come for. To add on, not only are their groups and organizations against the immigration reform bill,discrimination comes with it too. Through the article they label immigrants as “aliens’ ‘. It states, “As if granting legal status to aliens isn’t bad enough, a preliminary analysis of the bill shows that legal immigration could increase by up to 100 percent. Current legal immigration totals about 1 million annually.“. This quote shows how immigrants face many forms of discrimination from organizations and even companies calling them unnecessary names. Illegal immigrants shouldnt be going through this. Lastly , another thing they mentioned in the article was how the anti-immigrant movements target large companies that support the immigration reform. They say how this could be an arrival for cheap labor towards the market industry it states, “ “This legislation is all about satisfying the demands of illegal aliens and their advocates for amnesty and providing business interests access to low-wage foreign labor.”This quote says how large companies are most likely to take advantage of the immigrants since they have little to no knowledge about it and pay them very little. The author in this article chooses to show the side of the people opposed to immigrants so we can have a better understanding towards why they are against immigrants and why they want them to leave the US .I think it’s very important to show both sides of the story therefore this article was reliable. The author includes several sources and opinions from companies through email, interviews  groups/communities that are anti immigrants. 


Reese, Shelby. “The Truth About Vivek Ramaswamy’s Extreme MAGA Immigration Agenda.” Democrats, 13 Oct. 2023, 

This article discussed vivek ramaswamy who was in an interview with spokesperson, Sarafina Chitika in DNC. Vivek Ramaswamy is a republican planning to be in the 2024 presidential election . During the interview, he expressed his opinions and ideas towards illegal immigrants, specifically mexicans. He mentions his plan to end birthright citizenships. In the article Vivek Ramaswamy explains, “I want to be very clear about this. I think that birthright citizenship does not and should not apply to the kids of parents who entered this country illegally.”American born kids with illegal undocumented parents are to be deported as well, he says. In the article it mentions how he talks about Mexicans a lot. It states, “‘I’ve said that not only will we use the military to secure our own southern border, we will go further,’ he said. ‘If we can use our military to take out [Osama] bin Laden or [Ayman] al-Zawahiri or [Qasem] Soleimani or ISIS somewhere else in some other part of the world, then we are ready to use our military to annihilate the Mexican drug cartels south of our own border.’” This quote shows how he targets Mexicans because based on what he says, he mentioned how Mexicans, which are the immigrants, bring cartels or danger to the United States, therefore he targets the mexicans. To add on another thing mentioned in the article was how having the US military attack Mexican cartels could have a negative impact on the US nation’s security and immigration system and fail to address the main problems. This article helps to support my topic because this is a clear example of how people go to great lengths to get rid of illegal immigrants in america. It also supports my question to why vivek ramaway wants to deport people of undocumented parents. 

“The Truth about America’s History of Anti-Immigrant Anxiety.” YouTube, YouTube, 13 Jan. 2022, Accessed 3 Nov. 2023. 


This video discussed the history of anti-immigration in America and how it was present throughout history. It discussed back in the revolutionary war where catholics, english, french prodesints etc,  where living together. Benjamin Franklin was against did not like that saying, “why should pennsylvania  , founded by the english become a colony of aliens we will shortly be so numerous as to germanize us instead of anglifying them, and will never adopt our language or customs any more than they can acquire our complexion”. Benjamin Franklin was concerned of cultural change and was specially directed towards germans. Immigrants brought anxiety and concern to America, they say. They also mention how through 1840 and 1854, almost 3 million immigrants arrived in america. These were mostly people from Ireland because during that time they were suffering from the potato famine. Because of so many immigrants coming to America, Americans were not pleased about it and due to this, the first nativist political party in American history( anti-immigrant american party) known as the “know nothing public forms” was formed. 100 congressmen and 8 governors were elected. They forced deportation of foreign born criminals, banned all catholic from forming public office too and mandatory bible reading in schools. Another thing they mentioned was in 1892, they opened Ellis island where about 1.3 million immigrant people in America were welcomed. They mostly came from southern and eastern europe. They mentioned how they were discriminated against and were told that they were considered “biologically and culturally less intelligent”. This shows how discrimination has always been around. Later on in the video they talked about how presidents were also against immigrants such as Barack Obama, Donald trump and George W Bush. During the time when George Bush and Barack Obama were president they tried but failed to pass immigration reform. Donald Trump built a wall to prevent Mexicans from crossing the border and also tried to ban and deport Mexicans specifically. During one of Donald trump’s interviews in 2015 he states, “when mexico sends its people their not sending their best, their not sending you, their not sending you, their sending people with lots of problems, and their bringing  those problems with us, they’re bringing drugs, they’re bringing crime, their rapist, and some i assume are good people”. Donal Trump , ex-president, was someone who was always antI-immigrants. He was known for having a strong say to the immigrants, specifically targeting mexicans. And lastly another important thing mentioned in this video was how some anti immigrants are violent. They mentioned how there was a mass shooting in El Paso and the tree of life synagogue pittsburgh. The man who did this was an anti- immigrants targeting hispanics. This video is related to my topic because it has shown me the history of anti-immigrants and events that are related to the topic  throughout the years. 


During my time researching this topic, I have come to the conclusion towards my understanding of this topic. Anti-immigration is not only present today but has always been around, and for as long as we live it will still be around. Anti-immigration  is a big topic that is discussed around the world. There have been attempts to make laws related to immigration such as the immigration reform .It emphasizes how hardworking immigrants who have been living here for a long period of time should get a citizenship and have an opportunity to live a better life. . Laws supporting immigration where  Whether it be against or supporting them  Anti-im migrants tried to create laws but failed such asThere were events that have occurred that I never knew about that were related to anti- immigration. I learned why Vivek Ramwaey wants to deport the born child of illegal immigrants during his interview. I have found and understand why people are anti immigrants and gave reasoning towards it. Anti immigrants discuss how they need to lower the amount of immigrants that come to the United states so that Americans have more employment opportunities. I also found how anti- immigration was present back in history. Events such as benjamin franklin not supporting immigrants saying  why should pennsylvania  , founded by the english become a colony of aliens we will shortly be so numerous as to germanize us instead of anglifying them, and will never adopt our language or customs any more than they can acquire our complexion”. Benjamin Franklin was concerned about cultural change and was specially directed towards Germans.what i have learned is very important because i have gained more knowledge and understanding towards my topic. Immigration is a current event today and it is important that people who don’t know about this topic to have some knowledge towards it.Â