Homework 2.1

I feel like Baldwin spoke very truthfully about what he hopes to teach his students, such as the endless possibilities that each of them have to make a significant change in the society we live in. In other words, there is a limit to how much history that lies within America whereas the capabilities of its future can go on forever and ever. When Baldwin brings up that ā€œthe world is largerā€, it seems as though he is trying to show how there are several ideals, in this case equal lifestyles, that are either yet to be discovered or even just be fully acknowledged by those who are for them to help fix the issue in that area. It is also kind of like oneā€™s ability to make the necessary changes is constantly growing. Personally, I think I have the obligation to be able to touch upon and learn more about the gender wage gap. To be honest, this isnā€™t something that is consistently crossing my mind but when it does it does. The statistic is that women up to this day are getting paid generally less than what men are being paid. For me to bring this up a male may seem as a shock, but knowing that I am technically at an advantage while the opposite gender isnā€™t almost feels undeserving. I also feel this is something that is overlooked by many and should be taught more in schools due to the fact that we live in a society nowadays where gender is more variable than what it used to be with people being transgender, non-binary, etc.

HW 2.1

I believe the author, James Baldwin is encouraging his student to not only explore the extensive history of America but he is also encouraging him to expand his knowledge of the world. He wants his student to know that nothing can stop or restrict him from expanding his knowledge. When the author says “the world is larger” I gather he means that the world is more than just America and has so much more to know.”…he has the right and the necessity to examine everything.” is something the author also says, by this he means that the students can investigate or try to know more about anything he wishes without any obligation. The student will also need to know more to further expand his knowledge in order to find his identity. Something that I wish I was taught that I wasn’t in school was taxes and learning how to deal with my finances. I think these are very important things that the school system fails to inform you about. These are very useful day to day knowledge and skills to have since you will be needing it for the rest of your life. Although you can teach yourself, it would be harder and time consuming, which we all know we don’t have much time. Many people still struggle today organizing their finances and many often have to pay accountants to do their taxes for them. If these skills and knowledge about taxes and finances were added into high school curriculum then it would have made many peoples’ lives easier.

HW 2.1

I think that what James Baldwin is saying is that if he were to teach, he would teach his students that they don’t have to follow the rules given to them. They can do what they want to do and not follow what the “administration” tells him to do. When he says that the world is larger, I think he means that There is way more to do than what students are taught. Students are taught to learn a limited amount of jobs and told that those are their only options. Baldwin states that it isn’t true, that there is so much more to do in the world other than what you are taught. Baldwin stating that having the “necessity” to examine is to learn more about what you have questions about. In other words, you have the right to question what you are being taught. Whether if what you are learning is good for you or not. It also means to not be afraid of asking about certain topics you are interested in and want to learn more about. I wish that I have been taught about real world uses like learning about taxes, insurance, banking, and other important aspects of life that everyone should have a simple understanding in because I am stuck learning them now when I should’ve learned about them before. I want to know about these topics because they are something that I need later on in life and in order to not make any major mistakes within those subjects, I’d have to know what I’m doing in the first place.