HW 2.2

When I was a kid, something I was interested in was science. I found science very interesting. During that period of time I was learning earth science and I liked it. We would do plant experiments, volcano experiments, projects, etc. through highschool i continued taking science classes because it was mandatory but I liked it. Now in college, I am still interested in the science topic. I’m currently taking biology and have been talking it through highs school too. Through the years I’ve asked questions about science/biology. There are different topics in science that cover different aspects of it. Asking questions helped me learn more about the topic by being introduced to new things I didn’t know about. I had questions like where did science come from, why is science important,etc.  My curiosity has grown and changed throughout the years, it made me realize how complex science really is and that biology is something I would like to continue to learn in the future. The education system has played a major role in my interest in biology. It has provided me with more knowledge about this topic and made me like it and made me want to study in that field. 

hw 2.1

When reading “A Talk To Teachers” James talks about how teachers are very much influencers in today’s society for kids. Kids are advised to learn more about the social and historical context of the past and present, as well as how dangerous it is. James Baldwin asks all of us to expand our knowledge of American society. He talks about his own perspective and what he thinks about our society. When James Baldwin says “the world is larger” , what I think he is trying to say is to not only learn what others teach or show us but to also go learn for yourself. The world is big enough for all of us to do our own thing. We’re only taught some but not all. 

What I wish we should have been taught earlier was about finance and how to save your money. This is something as you get older you have to face a lot of bills and control things with money. Same with credit cards. I would’ve liked to know how many credits you need, what’s good, what’s bad. This is something we all need to know as we get older and is useful information to know as well.

Homework 2.2

When I was kid I was interested in why I had to say the pledge of allegiance everyday in primary school. But when I got into high school it was more rather a choice if you wanted to say it or not. But in college I don’t hear it especially since no one speaks on the loud speakers.  I never asked questions on why we had to say it because I doubted any of my teachers would have the answer to my question. But I do remember in 2016 when famous NFL player Colin Kaeprenick kneeled during it that’s when my curiosity strikes again. After he kneeled during the pledge I seen his life change in the flash of an eye. Now I understand some people don’t have to pledge based on their religion I believe but I don’t know who ? I would like to know who doesn’t have to recite the pledge ? Who differentiates from Colin Kaepernick that he was punished for it and others who don’t pledge they walk away free. Yes I admit it was on national tv but he was standing up for what he believes in.  But also there’s a time and place for everything so he was also wrong .