Home work 2.2

When I was a kid something I was very interested in was becoming a flight attendant. The thought of being able to fly and go to new places really made me think becoming a flight attendant was the best job in the world. I am not interested in becoming a flight attendant because I feel like when I was younger I didn’t realize the work they go through and how scary it is to think that in a plane the unthinkable can happen. I was just stuck in the fact they get to travel to places and have nice uniforms. The education system provided me with classes that sparked an interest in science, it made me realize that what I want to be in the future required science so I was aware and I paid extra attention in science classes and began to enjoy taking science. The interest I had as a child didn’t die I think. It is just the amount of knowledge I had of becoming a flight attendant but I still have a lot of respect and admiration for flight attendants. The questions I had made me learn more about science and how it plays a part in the field I want to potentially work in and helped me gain more knowledge in the science subject.


H.W 2.2

When I was a kid, something I was interested is being a teacher. I found teaching interesting because the way it allowed me to feel as if teaching is the most rewarding professions and it made me feel tons of joy. I am not interested in teaching anymore as I got older, I learned about science and it became more interesting which in my opinion, I did say it is in many ways. Which now that I am in college I realize and remember about the questions that helped with learning about this topic. I used to ask how it is possible that science has the ability to almost create the whole entire universe and the fact that science is powerful in many ways which is unexplainable to some scientists. My curiosity has changed and grown throughout the years by knowledge that science is what I desire to know about which is biology. Which science is important to what I want to major as which is nursing. I did say the education played a good role in the providing science because it helped me know much more about the subject and has provided me to make process on studying the subject.

H.W 2.1

   In “A Talk to Teachers” by James Baldwin, he illustrates the importance for new generations to be able to know and understand our history, as well as the significance of being aware of our society and our future. When Baldwin states that the world is “larger”, what he means is that besides learning what is taught to us in schools about history and society, we have the right to question and deeply think about the ‘Why?’ of things and why things are the way they are. He wants us to analyze the wrong behaviors in society and not ignore them, but to act and change the wrong things. This is why he tells us we have “the right and necessity to examine everything”. 

   Something I wish I had learned about in school is career development skills involving public speaking, interviews, resume and portfolio building, writing cover letters, creating career goals, and networking. School does help you get the knowledge you need and get a high school diploma but they don’t really help you with whatever happens after that. Since a large majority of students apply for internships or jobs after high school, it is important for them to have these required skills. And usually, it is hard for them to figure these things out by themselves. This is why I think that if schools had career development classes, students would be able to succeed more in their careers and get a headstart before finishing school.