hw 2.2

When I was a kid I was always interested in becoming a teacher. The thought of helping kids out and teaching them ways of learning had always caught my attention. Also, seeing how they handle so many kids was also so interesting. I would always have this one favorite teacher and I would always ask her why she loves teaching. She would always tell me if you do something you love you’re always going to have passion for it and enjoy it. Currently my interest in it has slightly changed. Over time my interest in becoming a teacher isn’t there anymore but I would say the idea of wanting to help others is still there. But as I got older I’ve come to realize it isn’t something I feel like I love and see myself in the future being one.  I started having so much passion in nursing. Going to the doctors every time for a check up. I believe that the educational system fails to benefit us as kids since it does not allow us to explore and discover what we enjoy. We are all taught the same things, which does not allow us to discover what we love. 

HW 2.2

Something that I was curious about when I was younger is the way of life of big cats. For example lions and cheetahs. I think I am still interested in this topic but I am not as interested in it as I was when I was younger. Since I usually asked my dad about this topic and he wasn’t quite educated in this field I wouldn’t really get an answer to my questions. I think this made me more curious because I felt the need to know. How was it that these animals survived in the conditions and environment they lived in? Eventually I started watching Youtube videos about these animals on national geographic, this helped answer most of my questions.  I think after getting the answers to my questions I began to do less research into the topic because I felt well educated and satisfied with what I had learnt. I think I still have some interest in these animals today because I believe that there is always new information and I love learning about these animals. I think the school system had a negative impact on my curiosity. I believe this because I remember when I first moved to the U.S and learning about the school system I began to ask less questions since a lot of time teachers didn’t care or they wouldn’t take out time to answer those questions. Now I rarely ask questions in class or if I do have a question I would usually just resort to searching it up after class. So I do believe that the school system had a negative impact on my curiosity today.

HW [2.2]

As a child, I was fascinated with mysteries, forensics, and police related stuff, but schools didn’t talk much about these topics. I explored the internet myself and watched some television programs on Youtube like Live PD. Although I didn’t know whether they were real life scenarios or just actors making up scenes, it was still very interesting and entertaining to me. In High school I took a forensic class which was the only class that sparked my interest. It was during the pandemic, so the class was online. I wished it was in person because I could have put my hands on forensic tools that are used to solve crimes. The teacher gave us videos to watch, and we had to solve the crime scene by ourselves so I didn’t really ask any questions. I am still very interested in forensics to this day. I listen to podcasts about murder crimes that help me stay interested in this topic