Homework 1.2

When Mike Bunn says “You are already an author” I think he’s describing that I, in my daily life am an author as I use my sense of thought to read, write, and talk to other individuals. For example emailing a teacher, writing a letter, doing homework, and so on. We’re all authors in our own ways and each person has their special way to express themselves. When reading you ask yourself questions such as why did the author write this? Why did the author use this word in the sentence? There’s so much from reading you can learn to use in your writing. As authors it’s not only about writing a story and then publishing it. Its more about making connections through real life and how it can affect a book. Some authors use specific techniques such as using quotes and using dialogues. To add on, authors that write poems might give out hints throughout the stanzas to give the reader a better idea of what the poem is going to be about. This relates to us humans because we use these techniques while telling a story or even just talking to a person. We tell these stories through our own perspectives which can possibly make a story more interesting. I would say writing is a major part of our college careers as it can improve our education and grow better as authors when writing certain things. Something I noticed in Bunns article was that he asked questions. Asking questions or even taking notes about something can improve our point of view on things. I observed that this technique that Bunn used for asking questions is something I would want to include into my writing. This gets the reader a chance of what the author is trying to say.

Homework 1.2

When Mike Bunn writes “You are already an author” he means that as we read we become more proficient in our writing abilities which makes us authors as well. As student readers, the types of writings that we read helps us as readers to improve our writing abilities. Reading various genres of writing enables us to learn about the author’s writing methods and strategies, which we can then apply to our very own writing. We are writers in our day to day lives without realizing it. It simply depends on what we’re writing that dictates what writing format we use. Some things that I consider as writings that I write in my everyday life could be emails, assignments, text messages, social media posts and probably many other things that can’t come to mind right now. I believe that our everyday language that we use in our day to day basis can benefit our writing by building stronger connections and making our writing more personalized for our readers. A piece of Bunn’s writing that I’d like to incorporate in my own writing is when he described his job. He used a very descriptive type of writing to describe the place he worked in. “The Palace was a beautiful red brick, four-story theatre in the heart of London’s famous West End, and eight times a week it housed a three hour performance of the musical Les Miserables.” His writing consisted of a very good description. From describing how the theatre looked like, where it was located, and even what he wore. Using simple but formal and to the point vocabulary.  Bunn also mentions these two questions that ill keep in mind for when i’m reading or writing, which were “What is the author’s purpose for this piece of writing?” and “ Who is the intended audience?” These kinds of methods could easily help me develop as a writer.

Homework 1.2

What Mike Bunn means when he says “you are already an author” is that we write and think like an author whenever we type or write an essay or just write about anything we have interest in because we write in the way we want the reader to understand what we are talking about. This is what makes us a author because we write to a audience no matter how small or how big, we still write to someone who will want to understand what we are saying. Some of the things that I write myself are small things that ranges from text messages to resumes that demonstrate who I am as a person. These are important and make me an author because I explain to someone about a subject from my perspective and no matter what it is, they will understand what I intend to inform them about. Knowing how to write like an author is useful for my college career because no matter what I study or work in, writing is always a major part of anything related to education, so knowing how to put people in your perspective through writing can transcribe to my work and my studies and make me a better student overall. One particular method i noticed in Bunn’s writing that I would use personally is asking myself questions during a reading because questioning can lead to finding out new things I did not know about before and knowing them now, I can use them to make myself a better author. Also questioning the purpose of the writing and what audience it is met to be for can improve my way of targeting that same audience in a similar writing that i may have to do at some point in my college career. Methods like these could improve me as an author easily.