Source Entry #2

READ AND ANNOTATE: Graff & Birkenstein, “Chapter 3: As He Himself Puts It – The Art of Quoting”

WRITE:  Your second “Source Entry” Draft. Post on website. Try to include all five steps of the IQIAA method for at least one quotation.

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source entry #1

Lesly lucero sosa 


“Anti-Immigrant Arguments against Immigration Reform.” ADL, 3 May 2023, 


In the article, “Anti-immigrant arguments against immigration reform”, it talked about how anti immigrant groups and movements express their opinion towards why they are against the immigration reform. The immigration reform is a bill that current president, joe biden sent to congress where it emphasizes how hardworking immigrants who have been living here for a long period of time should get a citizenship and have an opportunity to live a better life. Anti immigrants discuss how they need to lower the amount of immigrants that come to the United states so that Americans have more employment opportunities. One of the many things anti-immigrants members say in the article about the bill are,  “ Ric Oberlink, a spokesperson for the Santa Barbara-based anti-immigrant group Californians for Population Stabilization (CAPS), told the Los Angeles Times on April 16, “When we have massive unemployment in the U.S., I don’t think we need to be increasing immigration and bringing in people to take jobs when there are American citizens and legal immigrants who need jobs.” Many anti-immigrants agree with what rick obelink says about immigrants claiming that they are taking the jobs of the people born in america. Because of an increase of immigrants coming to the U.S they are most likely the ones getting employed since that’s what they come for. To add on, not only are their groups and organizations against the immigration reform bill,discrimination comes with it too. Through the article they label immigrants as “aliens”. It states, “As if granting legal status to aliens isn’t bad enough, a preliminary analysis of the bill shows that legal immigration could increase by up to 100 percent. Current legal immigration totals about 1 million annually.“. This quote shows how immigrants face many forms of discrimination from organizations and even companies calling them unnecessary names. Illegal immigrants shouldnt be going through this. Lastly , another thing they mentioned in the article was how the anti-immigrant movements target large companies that support the immigration reform. They say how this could be an arrival for cheap labor towards the market industry it states, “ “This legislation is all about satisfying the demands of illegal aliens and their advocates for amnesty and providing business interests access to low-wage foreign labor.”This quote says how large companies are most likely to take advantage of the immigrants since they have little to no knowledge about it and pay them very little. The author in this article chooses to show the side of the people opposed to immigrants so we can have a better understanding towards why they are against immigrants and why they want them to leave the US .I think it’s very important to show both sides of the story therefore this article was reliable. The author includes several sources and opinions from companies through email, interviews  groups/communities that are anti immigrants.