HW 3.1

Lesly Lucero Sosa

In the unit 2 bibliography, i discussed anti-immigration and my topic was towards why people like Vivek Ramaswamy are against these group of people. I mentioned how a republican named Vivek Ramaswamy, who is planning on being in the presidential election has several opinions towards illegal immigrants. In an interview, he mentions his plan to end birthright citizenships. He states, “ I want to be very clear about this. I think that birthright citizenship does not and should not apply to the kids of parents who entered this country illegally.” In other words American born kids with illegal undocumented parents are to be deported as well, he says. This is a very controversial topic because many of us agree to disagree with what he says. I mentioned this quote to show how anti-immigration is still around. People today still want to deport illegal immigrants

Homework 3.3 and 3.4


READ (and comment): Read at least two of your colleagues’ Unit 3 proposals, and comment on them. Comments should be at least 100 words. Please do not simply say “sounds great!” because that is not helpful! Think about the kind of things that might be helpful to you as you embark on this project. Here are some ideas: 

  • A specific publication or website you think the author could write for
  • A question or comment to help narrow down the audience: “You say you want young people to watch this video essay, but there’s no publication that all young people watch. Are you actually trying to reach New Yorkers?”
  • A question or comment to help narrow down the genre: “There are a lot of different kinds of articles in the world. You could be writing for a newspaper like the New York Times or a website like Buzzfeed, and the writing is totally different for both. Can you be more specific?”
  • You can also just talk about things in the proposal you find especially cool or exciting. 

WRITE: Answer the “Know Your Publication” Questions for the publication/site/location where YOU would like to publish your Unit 3 assignment if you could.

Category: Unit 3



WRITE: Write a plan for Unit 3 – New Genre piece.  What are your goals for working/ thinking/ brainstorming/ gathering material? Write a schedule.

Category: Unit 3

Homework 3.1 and Unit 3 Proposal

Homework 3.1

Category: Unit 3

READ and ANNOTATE: “Annoying Ways People Use Sources” by Kyle Stedman: 

WRITE:  Just as a little spoiler, you should know that the things that annoy Kyle Stedman are not really particular to him. In general, these are things worth avoiding in your writing, though some conventions may vary, as Stedman himself points out, from genre to genre.  Please respond to the following after reading Stedman’s article:

(150 words) Write a paragraph for your intended audience for Unit 3 using one of your “quotables” from Unit 2 in that paragraph. Keep Stedman’s guidelines in mind while writing this paragraph. Be kind to your audience! Try not to lose them by the side of the road!

Category: Unit 3

Unit 3 Proposal

Category: Unit 3 Proposal

WRITE:  You will need to write a proposal of at least 200 words outlining what you plan to do for Unit 3. Post to website. This proposal should tell us: 

  • A 1-2 sentence statement of what you want to teach your audience (the most important thing you learned in Unit 2) 
  • The audience you are trying to reach
  • The genre you are planning to write in and why you chose it
  • A plan — how do you intend to get started? What will be your FIRST STEP?
  • Anything you might be worried about.  What are your concerns about finishing this project?

Category: Unit 3 Proposal