difuclty paper 1

This article talked about how people procrastinate. they started off talking about an economist who procrastinated about mailing a box of clothes from India. these clothes belonged to a friend of his who had left behind.  he went weeks saying he will do it tomorrow because it was a long processes. weeks turned to months and he still haven’t sent it .The point of this was to inform the reader that everyone procrastinates regardless of who they are. the article also talks about how us as humans are a basic impulse. to add on there have been tests and studies about how procrastination can be a problem outside of school. According to the article, “Each year, Americans waste hundreds of millions of dollars because they don’t file their taxes on time. The Harvard economist David Laibson has shown that American workers have forgone huge amounts of money in matching 401(k) contributions because they never got around to signing up for a retirement plan. Seventy per cent of patients suffering from glaucoma risk blindness because they don’t use their eyedrops regularly. Procrastination also inflicts major costs on businesses and governments. ” Procrastination is something that is and has affected life’s of people. Ifound that section of the article interesting because i never knew how procration can severely affect someone.  something else i found very interesting was, their was a 2 stage experiment where in the first stage people where offered a choice of 100 dollars today or 100 dollars and 10 bucks tomorrow. the second stage was between a 100 dollars a month from now or a 100 and 10 dollars a month and a day from now. in stage 1 majority of the people choose to take the 100 dollars immediately but in stage 2 the majority choose to take the 110 dollars and wait an extra day. this study showed how short term events overwhelm their long term goals. in this article their wasn’t anything I found confusing or boring, in fact I enjoyed reading this article and knowing about different types of procrastinations and how there where studies of it.

Homework d.1

Category: Difficulty Paper

READ and ANNOTATE: “Later”  (in the Later Library on the Procrastination Station– www.yourprocrastinationstation.com).

WRITE: After reading and annotating “Later,” write an Open Lab post of approximately 300 words in which you reflect upon the article. What, particularly, did you find confusing, irritating, boring or otherwise difficult?

Please note: I want you to BE SPECIFIC. Quote from the text directly. That is, if you were particularly dumbfounded by a particular passage—quote that passage, and explain WHY you found it confusing. If the vocabulary was difficult, quote a particularly difficult passage, and try to figure out what the author might have been trying to say. Explain WHY you found their particular word choices difficult. Dig deeply!

My point in asking you to do this is that usually the places you struggle the most are the places you are doing your best thinking. I want you to stay there a while, even if it’s to explain to me why you don’t understand!

Category: Difficulty Paper