Unit 3

In this unit, I want to focus on the importance of music. I want to teach how music can change a person’s mood. While I was doing my research paper, I would listen to music to make it seem that I was enjoying writing it. I’m trying to reach out to students who hear music while they do their work to let the day fly by quickly. I think the format and genre of what I would be doing would be an article or a lecture. It’s going to be difficult because it may sound streched out with a lot of information, Also not making it to short

Research Question proposal

Something traumatic can happen anywhere and at any time to anyone, and the toll that it can later take on the person Depending on where the event took place, the trauma can then turn to PTSD, where the person is afraid of something or someone and finds it hard to move on. My research question is: How does someone’s PTSD influence their later life? Can that also affect their relationship with their parents? Personal life? How does that event shape who they are now? I’ve always asked myself that question, as I personally see my parents’ lives. What if that event didn’t end up happening? What would my parents be like today? Would they have been happier or even had an accommodating life? That’s what makes me want to ask more, research, and learn more about


When I was a kid, I was interested in becoming an investigator. I would watch shows such as Carmen SanDiego and Sally Bollywood. The idea of wanting to solve crime sounded fun and interesting, and my mother would buy me those unsolved crime puzzles. I am still interested in becoming an investigator, but not really. My reasoning is knowing how inhumane some crime scenes can look, the toll that it can take on a human being, and maybe also putting myself in danger. Asking questions about being an investigator helped me learn more about the role they play in the field. As I grew older, my curiosity changed about how much I wanted to learn. It got unsettling, so I started losing interest in it and stopped asking questions and wanting to know more. The role the educational system played in my curiosity was providing crime books or also inviting policemen and investigators to the school for some career showcases. Instead, now I’m more interested in the topic of architecture and building—how one can actually make a drawing of a building or something aesthetically pleasing to the eye just by learning how to even make a building stable to stand on or a shelter for someone who likes the way that I made it.