Hw 1.3

From what I’ve seen so far the ingredients of the education narrative all have something in common. They all talk about their personal life and experience. They discuss how they all went through some sort of problem and expressed themselves about it. In the 3 articles that I have read they emphasized emotion and opinions towards the topic they are discussing. It showed a bit about themselves and who they are as a person. Like for example in the article  “Maybe i could save myself by writing”, they introduce themselves from where they are from to how they grew up. They gave detail on certain topics and expressed how they felt during that period of time. A good place to start with my education narrative would be to write or start  thinking about something I like or am passionate about. I could start with a topic I’d like to discuss and explain/express how I feel about it. Some questions and concerns I have when writing the narrative would be: how will I begin? What will I be writing about? What type of writing style will I use in order to get my readers’ attention? Is there a specific way to write or start it? Another concern I have is how long it would be. Am I allowed to give an opinion? Can I use evidence?Is it fact based? Can I write in a poem way? Am I supposed to teach my authors something? What is my point of writing this? 

HW 1.2

What Mike Bunn means when he says we are already an author is that when we write, we think about how we are going to write it. We think about why we are using those words instead of others, who is this targeting and the way we introduce the topic. We see the choices the author makes when we read and see if we can use that for our writing. Some of the things Ihave already written would be essays from other english classes, text messages, and send emails. reading like a writer can help me in my college reading and writing career by having a different perspective when reading. When reading I will now analyze not only the information but how the author wrote the text, why did he use those words, how it was constructed. With this information it can help me with my writing. I will question myself whether or not I would use that type of writing style other authors have used. I will also be able to construct a better sense of knowledge when writing, thinking more of how to write it, which audience is this meant to target? Some things I noticed in Bunn’s article that i would like try in my own writing is using more formal words and write in detail. In the article he states how in the beginning of his writing, he talks about a job he is in. The way he described it with detail and used formal words to describe his job. Instead of cutting it short he decides to go more in depth with his job including what he wears, where his job is located ,etc. Instead of words like happy or sad I can use more bigger words such as overjoyed or Miserable.

I am feeling good about this course and going into college. Some study skills that work best for me is working independently. Working independently helps with distractions. I work best in a quit environment with no electronics to distract myself with. Even though, I still tend to distract myself with electronics and it’s something I would like to improve and learn to not do. Some questions I have in regards to college is how would the working environment be. Would the way they teach here be any different from high school? How will that affect me ?
I choose this image because the gym is something I like. It is something I am passionate about.