hw 3.4

lesly lucero sosa

My main goals for unit 3 is to make sure it reaches the audience it’s suppose to reach. I also want to make sure they understand the topic and have some sort of interest in it. I am thinking of making a instagram page with information/posts about anti immigration. I will include pictures to try to attract my audience. Some material I am planning on using is videos , articles, and interviews. I want to make sure they are entertained as well so i will try to make the page look appealing to the eye.

HW 3.1

Lesly Lucero Sosa

In the unit 2 bibliography, i discussed anti-immigration and my topic was towards why people like Vivek Ramaswamy are against these group of people. I mentioned how a republican named Vivek Ramaswamy, who is planning on being in the presidential election has several opinions towards illegal immigrants. In an interview, he mentions his plan to end birthright citizenships. He states, “ I want to be very clear about this. I think that birthright citizenship does not and should not apply to the kids of parents who entered this country illegally.” In other words American born kids with illegal undocumented parents are to be deported as well, he says. This is a very controversial topic because many of us agree to disagree with what he says. I mentioned this quote to show how anti-immigration is still around. People today still want to deport illegal immigrants

unit 3 proposal

lesly lucero sosa

For unit 3, the topic that i recently choose was about illegal immigrants and why people are so against them. I choose this topic because i was interested in towards why people are against immigrants and want to deport them. Another reason i choose this topic because i myself am a child of illegal parents and have questions about why people are anti immigration. The audience i am planning on targeting is the people that do not have knowledge towards the topic of immigration. Another audience i hope i target is the people who relate with my topic such as The people who are immigrants themselves or are parents of illegal immigrants.  I want to target these specific audiences because i think its important for people to be more informed about the history of immigration and why it existed in the first place. People who are associated to this topic need to be informed about this because its important for them to know what is going on in todays world and how it can affect them. Some concerns i have about this project is if my topic will make sense and be organized and well explained.