Research Question Propsal

I have always been fascinated by technology, ever since I was little. I don’t think technology has been around for very long. Throughout my lifetime, I have witnessed a global expansion in technology. And it really got me thinking: Why is technology advancing so quickly these days? What drew me in was the capabilities of technology and its potential to advance humankind. Our technology is developing quickly. Whether it be electronically, mechanically, or medically—we use technology breakthroughs on a daily basis, and I think they are very useful to our lives. I’d want to learn more about the history of technology as I don’t really know much about it. The ease with which technology has facilitated our daily life is really amazing. That’s why I chose to major in radiologic technology. Working in the medical industry, using technology to assist those in need and being a part of a community that contributes to save lives is what I’ve always aspired to do. With this research i expect to learn how technology has changed over time and how it can affect the upcoming generations

H.W 2.2

Something that interested me over the years ever since I was a child was painting/drawing. Painting became more than just a hobby. The possibilities in painting were infinite. There was no right or wrong in your creativity. I could spend the whole day sitting with a canvas and painting with the many color of acrylics that were in front of me. I mainly thrived during art class, I was able to express myself in my creativity. But art class was always considered an elective and not really an important subject. To me, having a class where students are able to explore their skill and creativity is very important. We have the opportunity to acquire new skills and boost our critical thinking. i’m still very interested in painting but i consider it more of a hobby now. With all of my responsibilities I barely have time to sit and paint, but every once in a while when I’m feeling stressed, painting relives my worries and relaxes my state.

HW 2.1

I think what James Baldwin is portraying in the article, “A Talk to Teachers” is to encourage young students to expand their knowledge beyond the education system. He talks about this world being  dangerous and that we are currently living in a dangerous time period. James Baldwin gives us his perspective of what he thinks the entire purpose of education is.“Children, not yet aware that it is dangerous to look too deeply at anything, look at everything, look at each other, and draw their own conclusions”. When he says “The world is larger”  he is stating that you can go beyond the knowledge that this world provides  us. That there is so much more to learn than what students are taught. Students are taught to learn a limited amount and usually not beyond than that.  James Baldwin tells us otherwise, that those aren’t their only options. He says that there is so much more in this world other than what you are taught in this education system.

He wants young children to understand that if they have a curiosity to look into their pursuits and thait there is no limits to learning new things. Something that I was wish I was taught in school is anything related to finances, banks, bank accounts, loans, credit cards etc. I did learn the basics in highschool, I had a economics class but that didn’t really cover all of my concerns. I also wish i was taught on housing and renting. I feel like these things  are very important things to have an understanding of for when we are on our own in adult life.Â