Homework 1.2

After reading the article “How to read like a writer” by Mike Bunn, we can easily identify his main point of view and his suggestions for us, as a reader(s). “Instead of reading for content or to better understand the ideas in the writing you are trying to understand how the piece of writing was put together by the author and what you can learn about writing by reading as a particular text.” By that Mike Bunn wants us to read as if we are the writers, to get into the novels / articles deeper and understand why the author made or maybe didn’t make a specific choice. Some of the things that I am as an author of my life do is set up the reminder’s app for all of the upcoming events and things to do through the week. It helps me to keep track of things and have a better understanding of how much time the specific thing will take me, i find it really useful in my everyday life. Also maybe sound a little weird but I also do vision boards, for a better understanding it is basically album of pictures that have a certain goal in them which I want to recreate at some point of life. In Mike Bunn’s article I found interesting these recommendations that I would want to use in a future reading, it is the questions to ask yourself beforehand reading through anything “Do you know the author’s purpose for this piece of writing?” and “Do you know who the intended audience is for this piece of writing ” page 7. Those questions in my point of view will lead you into digging deeper while reading and as well as writing, if i would be an author of an essay or an article I would ask myself those questions and my piece of writing will have more richer and fulfilling information than usual.  Post made by Iuliia Khutsishvili (Julia).


Hw 1.1

Hello, my name is Julia (Iuliia) Khutsishvili. I am feeling a little excited and have a feeling of high expectations for college experience in general. Chose the word excitement, because i always feel like that when something new happens in my life 🙂 Study skills that I know work for me 100% is when the given to me material I write by myself down on the physical paper , that’s why I Walt’s highlight the most important topics and write them down because by that I will surely remember them . Also the other study skill is having no phone or no overall distractions next to me, I like to study in coffee shops or library’s with head phones on,but no phone next to me otherwise I will be unfocused.  Honestly don’t have that much of “worries“ related to anything right now 🙂

I chose this picture as meaningful and important for me. Because not only I’m a huge tennis fan with my dad,I also used to be a professional tennis player until the age of 15,than I quitted it for personal reasons and burnout,but besides the little sad part , the Us open means a lot to me , when my family just moved to the us the us open would be one of the things that me and dad was excited for and it hyped us up every end of the summer 🙂

P.S. I am sorry for submitting this assignment late,I had troubles with my cuny email and totally forgot to press “request to join the class” button on the openlab ,my mistake 🙁