Source Entry #2

After reading an article about the Space Force history, it makes sense as to why the Air Force and Space Force are connected. In this article, written by Brett Tingley published on February 14, 2023, he explains very well the relationship between these two branches and how the Air Force came to be. Tingley states, “The history of the U.S. Space Force dates back to 1954 when the U.S. Air Force created a division tasked with overseeing the U.S. military’s ballistic missiles.” By stating this he shows the first steps that the military took in space to eventually become the Space Force in 2019. He goes on to then talk about how since this division was created in the Air Force, it was named the Air Force Space Command in 1982. The author tied in his ideas by stating this due to the fact that we can all pin point where, when, and how it began. By doing so, it allows readers to develop a better understanding of the overall question, what is the Space Force. It concludes that for the most part, it used to be a part of the Air Force in which they worked on satellites, but then branched off into their own branch of the military.

Source Entry #1

David Hambling, an author at Space Force, states, “Both agencies are dedicated to enhancing the nation’s understanding and knowledge about the new frontier, but they each have a very different focus. And both groups launch and operate space vehicles—sometimes from the same bases—and share other resources, so it might be tempting to assume that the Space Force is simply NASA in different uniforms.” He is explaining the difference between NASA and Space Force which is necessary in order to understand that Space Force is the newest branch of the military

Research Question Proposal

For my research paper, I would like to write about the US Space Force. More specifically, I would like to answer the question: can anyone join the space force, and how can someone join the space force, and what would they be joining? By writing about this, I would like to figure out what the Space Force is and does. For instance, do they use laser swords? Do they kidnap aliens? Do they prepare to fight aliens? What exactly do they do, and do we need a degree in science to join? As someone who struggles in science, would I be qualified to join the space force? Is knowing that the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell enough information to be admitted? I am actually very interested in this topic because my father is a retired marine, and my cousin is currently in the army, and my other cousin is actually applying to the navy. Therefore, with my family’s history in joining the army, I would want to know if they can just as easily apply to the space force. In my research, I expect to find answers to give all readers an idea about all the aspects in this military branch. I would find out how they compare to the other military branches. For instance, I would emphasize what machinery each branch would learn to use, and what training each branch would have to do. I would also specify the differences in what each of their principles are, and when they would get called into action. I’ve seen some articles that say it incorporated some knowledge and practices from the Air Force and I think that is useful to know that they would be needing to be able to fly an aircraft. After this, I feel like this would allow for the readers, and myself, to understand who the space force are, and what their purpose is. I think there are more things to find out about the space force which is why I am interested in researching about this topic.