HW 1.2


When Mike Bunn said “You are already an author” this was alluding towards how we read like a writer and really we have an upper hand on that as writers. I write my goals every week on what I want to succeed and achieve in that week. If I am unable to achieve that goal I write on how to overcome my issues of not completing those goals and how I can do better and improve. Existing expertise can help me throughout my reading and writing career. It may be as simple as brain memory and learning the correct usage of words and phrases. But I believe the best existing expertise that can me out through my college writing and reading career is adaptability. I can adapt to new writing and reading skills very easy as well as pick up on some old ones that I had forgot previously. Adapting to what kind of text I am reading and breaking it down to digest it is also a great key to have leading into college.

Something commonly that happens to me when reading is getting tripped up while reading and not being confused what I am reading at that moment. Once that happens it takes me a while to pick back up on what had happened in the text. A helpful thing I learned from Mike Bunn that could help me in my own writing is looking closely at the writing and if I manage to trip up on something I would try getting a sense of what could have tripped me up. This could save the reader of the text from suffering through the same issues I suffer with. This also helps me when writing to not confuse the reader and stay on track with the topic of the story.


HW 1.1

I feel excited for this course and for college. Note taking really works for me when studying. While that really helps me out it also takes away time away which is something I would need to work on. One worry I have is becoming to stressed out with all my courses as I have to make sure I complete every deadline on time and to the best of my ability.

These are my gloves I use at the gym. These mean a lot to me as I have been using these for a couple years now.