Research Question Proposal

My research question is, How is climate change affecting people and the environment? I am interested in this topic because these past few years climate change has been an issue and is affecting the environment slowly by  slowly. If we don’t start to make a change now the world could get worst in the future and that affects us people because we live in this world and if the world is not okay neither are us . I wanted to learn more about this topic because I’m actually worried of what’s going to happen in the future and a lot of people is so ignorant when it comes to topics like this and instead of making the environment better we are making it worst and its our fault.

HW 2.2

When I was the age of six I’ve always wanted to be either a chef or a veterinarian. All my childhood I spent it around food and animals so I was really interested in them. I started cooking when I was seven, I would make fried plantains with salami or bake cookies and pastries. My dad put me in a cooking class as well, in the class I would bake pastries but I was more into cooking savory food so I started to do those on my own. I used to own a lot of pets when I lived in the Dominican Republic back then and I would always wanted to take care of them so ever since then I wanted to be a veterinarian. Now I’m not going for this I’m studying to become an ultrasound tech but I never lost interest in becoming either a chef or a veterinarian I still love cooking and animal but I realize these carrier are expensive and I cant afford it but if I’d had the chance to do one of these I’ll even do both lol.


The article for me was interesting and boring at the same time. The whole article was about procrastination and it helped me understand more about it  because I really didn’t know what was procrastination before it was spoken about in class and before reading this article. I procrastinate a lot, it is difficult for me to focus and get stuff done, I think about it too much and I say I’m gonna leave it for the next day and sometimes I do get it done but sometimes I don’t. I know this is bad and I got to work on it because it’s going to set me up for failure in the future. In the begging of the article the author was talking about a man named George Akerlof that needed to mail a package to his colleague across the country, however George Akerlof procrastinated about it and said that It was going to take a lot of time of his day to do so, so instead he said he was going to mailed it next week but he never did. Eight months has passed and he still haven’t mailed the package to his colleague. Akerlof find out that a friend was sending some stuff over to the U.S and that’s when he took the opportunity to send the package to his colleague. This part of he article stood out to me because I find that I would be the type to do things like this or similar. In some occasions we’re very busy completing tasks and stuff that needs to get done that we procrastinate about doing other important stuff. In the other hand most of the article was boring to me. They were talking about different ways of procrastination people goes through and the negative outcomes that comes from it.