HW 1.3

The “ingredients” that i’ve seen from the education narrative genre are that the writings are mostly personal experiences that are life lessons for the authors. The writings are turning points in the authors life that can also be relatable to readers too. A place I can get started with my own education narrative is looking back to what event has made me to the person I am today and how it can also be an event that could happen to someone else or has already happened and some people can relate to it already. I can also look back to what changed my perspective on a certain subject that can also change other peoples perspective which can be educational. My only questions and concerns that I have about writing educational narratives are that whether or not I am able to convince readers or educate them about something that I have experienced personally. I also question on how an educational narrative is formatted since I have never written one before. One educational experience I have had before is when I learned how influential i can be to my brothers. I used to not listen to my parents a lot and would disobey them constantly, and when I saw my brothers do the same, I knew it was my fault. So I would tell them to not do that and I would also stop being disobedient so that I would set a better example to them because that is what older brothers do. This experience would change me as a person because I am now a more responsible person and set a great example for my brothers.

Homework 1.2

What Mike Bunn means when he says “you are already an author” is that we write and think like an author whenever we type or write an essay or just write about anything we have interest in because we write in the way we want the reader to understand what we are talking about. This is what makes us a author because we write to a audience no matter how small or how big, we still write to someone who will want to understand what we are saying. Some of the things that I write myself are small things that ranges from text messages to resumes that demonstrate who I am as a person. These are important and make me an author because I explain to someone about a subject from my perspective and no matter what it is, they will understand what I intend to inform them about. Knowing how to write like an author is useful for my college career because no matter what I study or work in, writing is always a major part of anything related to education, so knowing how to put people in your perspective through writing can transcribe to my work and my studies and make me a better student overall. One particular method i noticed in Bunn’s writing that I would use personally is asking myself questions during a reading because questioning can lead to finding out new things I did not know about before and knowing them now, I can use them to make myself a better author. Also questioning the purpose of the writing and what audience it is met to be for can improve my way of targeting that same audience in a similar writing that i may have to do at some point in my college career. Methods like these could improve me as an author easily.

Eric Villa

One word that describes how I am feeling about this course and college in general is encouraged because college is a fresh start for me and a reason to improve my well being. This course would also teach me what I need to advance in life which prepares me for new opportunities coming my way. My study skills are being in an environment where I feel determined to study. Having an environment like that can make me study more efficiently and comfortably. What I need to learn to do better is to cut distractions out during my time of studying because I have learned that I am not good at cutting them out and it holds me back. My only concerns and worries about college is whether or not I am able to manage my personal life and college life. I want to be able to have fun and go out with my friends and not have it interfere with my learning ability in college.

I choose this picture because what it means to me is that it shows me what life is about and to enjoy it with your loved ones whenever you get the chance to.