Unit 3 Proposal

What I would like to teach my audience is the importance of Artificial Intelligence and why it can have a major impact on everyones lives.  The reason why I want to teach about AI is because I personally find it amazing on how it works and I also know the importance of AI for society as a whole. I wanna reach an audience that is not too educated on the technology side of the world and show them why they should have an interest like I do. The genre I plan on using is a sci-fi genre that has a fictional story with real life facts that I can use. I chose this genre because I want a story that is interesting to readers so that they keep invested in it to learn about AI while they are reading. Fictional stories are also one of the main genres readers read. My plan to getting started is to start to create characters and their background and also the main point of the story and how it will teach the audience the importance of AI. I will also create a timeline and what happens at certain points in the timeline. My first step would be to brainstorm the main characters life and what he or she will be doing throughout the story. The only things that I will worry about is the research that I will have to do to make sure that what I tell in the story is accurate to real facts in the real world.

Source Entry #3

Not only can AI teach itself, AI can teach us humans sometime in the future! The ability for AI to take in and learn about so much data can be personalized and tailored to a student’s needs and teach that student all that he needs for a specific subject. The article states, “At all levels of education, AI will likely be transformative. Students will receive educational content and trainings tailored to their specific needs. AI will also determine optimal educational strategies based on students’ individual learning styles. By 2028, the education system could be barely recognizable.” This quote shows how fast AI can change the education system. This can also cost the jobs of many teachers if not all teachers. It is still very impressive how AI can take control of very important aspects of our lives in just a couple of years.

Source Entry #2

AI being used in fraud detection shows a lot in how advanced AI really is. AI in fraud detection works on processing a lot of data and using that data to fish out frauds by learning from that data. The article stats, “Among these, machine learning can process large amounts of data at a much faster rate than people can. It can also be designed to become faster and more accurate over time Machine learning tools will be able to identify patterns of fraudulent behavior by looking at historical data that involved similar circumstances.” Fraud detection may not be a major thing for us humans in technology, but knowing that AI can process data way faster than humans can and that it can start to learn overtime from analyzing that data, imagine when AI can start to do this process in other parts of technology like cybersecurity. AI is pretty advanced now, but overtime it will become self teaching and won’t be much in need of humans soon.