Homework 1.2

When Mike Bunn says “You are already an author” I think he’s describing that I, in my daily life am an author as I use my sense of thought to read, write, and talk to other individuals. For example emailing a teacher, writing a letter, doing homework, and so on. We’re all authors in our own ways and each person has their special way to express themselves. When reading you ask yourself questions such as why did the author write this? Why did the author use this word in the sentence? There’s so much from reading you can learn to use in your writing. As authors it’s not only about writing a story and then publishing it. Its more about making connections through real life and how it can affect a book. Some authors use specific techniques such as using quotes and using dialogues. To add on, authors that write poems might give out hints throughout the stanzas to give the reader a better idea of what the poem is going to be about. This relates to us humans because we use these techniques while telling a story or even just talking to a person. We tell these stories through our own perspectives which can possibly make a story more interesting. I would say writing is a major part of our college careers as it can improve our education and grow better as authors when writing certain things. Something I noticed in Bunns article was that he asked questions. Asking questions or even taking notes about something can improve our point of view on things. I observed that this technique that Bunn used for asking questions is something I would want to include into my writing. This gets the reader a chance of what the author is trying to say.

Elenny Sosa

I’m feeling nervous about this class and college in general. A wide range of emotions, yet nervousness stands out. At this point, you essentially “grow up,” and you start to feel stressed by everyone’s high expectations of you. While high school was enjoyable, college is the time to actually take things seriously and pace yourself. I’m a person who gets distracted very easily and forgets things easily as well. I want to focus on setting aside time for my studies. The study skill that works best for me I would say independent work, one because I’m a very quiet and shy person and two because I feel that I can get distracted easily.

So I chose this picture , it’s a picture of me and my sisters. They inspire me to do better as the older sister I am.