Homework 3.1

For those who may aspire to one day produce meaningful content to thousands of users, an aspect in which they might overlook is their mindset going into content creation. Known user and UGC (User Generated Content) creator iamelisari does a very well job explaining this matter by addressing it as something you have complete control over. You can choose to be happy or you can choose to be sad and beat yourself up about what you did wrong. More specifically, Elisa provides an example of this by comparing it to when you write a bad paper for math class in which you start to think bad of yourself, or when you write a great essay for English class and you think to yourself that you’re a good writer. What we can take from this kind of example is that “This mindset dominates our thoughts for the rest of our lives unless we actively do something about it.” Furthermore, with this mindset, you can apply it to almost any occupation including content creation so you can always look forward to doing a better job at it and increasing the likeliness of successfully laying a foundation for your own target audience.

Unit 3 Proposal

So with my question in Unit 2 being based around what it takes to become successful with content creation, I figured I would make a “How to” video demonstrating the procedure in the form of an instagram reel. I thought that using this format would make it easier to relay this information since it seems as though a fair portion of this generation’s attention span is declining. I hope my creation manages to reach the eyes and ears of those who may want to achieve a certain social status, business owners, and future content creators for entertainment or educational purposes. I want to be able to teach my audience the steps in beginning one’s journey as a content creator, a method or two in disciplining yourself, and the flexibility that these skills offer. Before anything, I think I want to settle the overall amount of steps into at most 4-5 steps to lower the chance of losing my audience’s undivided attention. One of my biggest worries is how much my creation would really attract my target audience.

Source Entry #1

Abdaal, Ali. “If I Started a YouTube Channel in 2023, I’d Do This.” Www.youtube.com, 14 Feb. 2023, www.youtube.com/watch v=T2M9hSswlIs&ab_channel=AliAbdaal.

Ali Abdaal is a former graduate of Cambridge University where he studied medicine for six years. His pathway as a content creator started off with teaching people medicine and helping with passing examinations. Later being fascinated with the science of productivity, he now produces content to help others with productivity skills. In a video Abdaal made called “If I Started a YouTube Channel in 2023, I’d Do This”, he mainly discusses the different levels there are of assessing your ability to create a coherent and ever growing YouTube channel. These levels generally go over times where you either have absolutely no experience, are already at a steady pace, or you are looking to master the skill completely. Abdaal typically suggests, as a beginner, to just make one video about anything whether it be a short or a film of yourself excluding any form of overthinking. It is a choice at the end of the day — a choice of the lifestyle you adapt to in either having a casual relationship or serious relationship with YouTube. At the next level, you must assess what you are already familiar with or what you need to work on getting familiarized with the crafting of the videos themselves. You may start getting to learn more about yourself and become better at editing as you continue with this process having already made a few videos. Abdaal also mentions ways you can further master this skill that include understanding your niche, finding your strengths and interests, figuring out unfair advantages, and seeking a target market. There is also one question in which he asks “do you want to treat youtube like a hobby or a business?” It is as though Abdaal actually has an exceeding amount of sense in how YouTube can be treated since he is able to separate it into different levels, at least from the way that I see it. On top of that, I would’ve never considered questioning if YouTube could be utilized as either a hobby before viewing this video. YouTube in itself is an investment where you’ll be rewarded based on how much time you put into it. Treating it like a business would eventually pay you like a business. Maintaining a specific niche in your videos will also do wonders as it allows you to further narrow down what kind of content you produce and to who. Typically in a niche, you have a target demographic and a value to be offered to the audience which is basically what you have that puts you on top of others, or why someone should watch you rather than someone else. Overall, I believe this video covers most, if not all, of the essential things to keep in mind when trying to grow your YouTube channel in views and contribution to the community you aim for.