unit 3 proposal

lesly lucero sosa

For unit 3, the topic that i recently choose was about illegal immigrants and why people are so against them. I choose this topic because i was interested in towards why people are against immigrants and want to deport them. Another reason i choose this topic because i myself am a child of illegal parents and have questions about why people are anti immigration. The audience i am planning on targeting is the people that do not have knowledge towards the topic of immigration. Another audience i hope i target is the people who relate with my topic such as The people who are immigrants themselves or are parents of illegal immigrants.  I want to target these specific audiences because i think its important for people to be more informed about the history of immigration and why it existed in the first place. People who are associated to this topic need to be informed about this because its important for them to know what is going on in todays world and how it can affect them. Some concerns i have about this project is if my topic will make sense and be organized and well explained. 

1 thought on “unit 3 proposal”

  1. Hi Lesly, I think you chose a great topic to write about. There are many immigrants/children of immigrant parents in America and there will be more coming. As hate crimes and anti-immigration raises, I feel like this is a great chance to speak up about it. In the proposal, you did not mention what kind of genre you will writing it in but I think video format is a good idea. Maybe talk about the history behind immigration in the beginning in the video and as you progress into the video, talk about how the government plays a role in this problem.

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