Source Entry #3.

Final Source Entry by Iuliia Khutsishvili.

My research question was “How did evolution of animation in movie production evolved throughout the years? “. The reason for me choosing this question was a huge interest to dig deeper into the movie production, especially animation part and it is history. The first source entry I did was mostly about how animation evolved, how the first movie effects were created in Disney and other companies. While researching to write my Source entry #1, I found out a lot about how first movie effects were created, now I know much better about the timeline of animation evolution and also that this is one of the most popular and demandable genres which’s income and overall profit is even overtakes the action genre. In my second Source Entry I wanted to research about how did cultural part play’s role in US movie animation industry. Because we all know that cultural and political parts are considered the huge chunks of any industry. The about it was really interesting because I found out some important things that could be added up and be related to the evolution as well. For example, as I stated in second source entry: Article “The Promotion of American Culture through Hollywood Movies to the World” stated a deeper information on the topic of how audience and cultural / American part played a big role in movie production and reversed. The American’s films are not only viewed in the America, but they are and been viewed by the massive audience around the whole world.  Additionally, the American film firms dominate the majority of market share in the world film industry. The promotion of American culture through films is a phenomenon, where America subtly wants to dominate the world by spreading out its own culture and tradition through the movies ETC.  Overall, this is my final third source entry, where I just wanted to add up briefly what I have learned so far based on my research question .In my draft and final paper I will not only combine three source entries together I will also add up some stuff to make it more filled with facts and knowledge (some stuff that did not fit in into the source entries earlier). The targeted audience for this paper/project is a specific group of people, either the once who are interested in learning the history of movie production especially the animation part or it could the people who are studying the movie industry/acting/cinematography.

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