Source Entry #1

While reading through the article, “The Future of AI: How Artificial Intelligence Will Change the World”, I’ve found that Artificial Intelligence is getting close to answering questions that us humans are dying to get answers to. The reason why is because AI does not fully understand human languages so when it does, we are one step closer to AI fetching answers humans could not find on their own. Writer Mike Thomas states, “However, if we reach a point where AI is able to understand our languages, AI systems would be able to read and understand everything ever written. ‘Once we have that capability, you could then query all of human knowledge and it would be able to synthesize and integrate and answer questions that no human being has ever been able to answer,’ Russell add,” Thomas, the writer of this article, got his information from an internationally renowned AI expert, Stuart Russell, so for a AI expert to say that all AI truly needs is to learn human languages to answer questions or problems that humans can’t solve, then I’d say we are pretty close to a self teaching Artificial intelligence.

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