HW 2.2

One thing that I was interested in as a kid was the evolution of our phones and far we have come from one of the first touch only phones ever, to one of the first ever phones that flip into itself. I’ve been interested in phones ever since I can talk and I used to always want my own phone. Even to this day, I still look at videos and reviews about the newest phones that come out to this date and how different they are from any other previous phones. Asking questions like what changed? or what improved? from the previous phones educated me more on phones and the technology behind it. Over the years, I grew more and more interested in the tech that comes in our phones and how advanced it becomes year after year. For example, the iPhone is a very controversial phone nowadays. But I see it as a phone that is getting perfected year after year. The average person sees the iPhone as the same thing year after year, but if you look at everything that apple has changed to it and compare it to the phone that came out the year before, you can see that the changes are for the most part only positive changes. These changes are small, but overtime they will accumulate and make a big difference from around 4-5 years from now. The educational system did not play a major role in my interest in phones since I had to do research on phones on my own time and not during school. I am still very much interested in this topic of phones since I want the newest phone that comes out every year and I look into what has changed from the previous year and if it’s worth upgrading phones.

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