hw 2.1

When reading “A Talk To Teachers” James talks about how teachers are very much influencers in today’s society for kids. Kids are advised to learn more about the social and historical context of the past and present, as well as how dangerous it is. James Baldwin asks all of us to expand our knowledge of American society. He talks about his own perspective and what he thinks about our society. When James Baldwin says “the world is larger” , what I think he is trying to say is to not only learn what others teach or show us but to also go learn for yourself. The world is big enough for all of us to do our own thing. We’re only taught some but not all. 

What I wish we should have been taught earlier was about finance and how to save your money. This is something as you get older you have to face a lot of bills and control things with money. Same with credit cards. I would’ve liked to know how many credits you need, what’s good, what’s bad. This is something we all need to know as we get older and is useful information to know as well.

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