HW 2.1

James Baldwin is telling us in the article to expand our knowledge beyond the school system and learn about the history of America but also learn about the history of the place you are living in. When he says the world is larger he is saying that you can go beyond the utilities that this world gave and learn how to go through life in America.

What I wish had been taught to me in school but wasn’t was finances. In the real world you have to learn about using credit and debt cards and how to do taxes every year. These are very crucial to learn as in a couple of years when you live by yourself you are going to have to do taxes and it is hard to pick up and learn on the spot. You also are going to need insurance such ass life, car, health, and home. As well as building a solid credit score which could start while in high school. It would be better that in high school they would have taught us that as well how mortgages. down payments, and insurance works. These topics would’ve been great to learn as in a couple of years buying a car or renting a apartment would be easier to get through if you have the prior knowledge you had in high school.

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