Home work d.1

In this article we get different views on procrastination. How it happens to students and even people who work, every human goes through procrastination. It provides us with different experiments done on humans that explain procrastination. In this reading I relate to “when we put off preparing for that meeting by telling ourselves that we’ll do it tomorrow, we fail to take into account that tomorrow the temptation to put off work will be just as strong.” A lot of the time not only procrastinating Homework I procrastinate the time I have to study for a test which ends up procrastinating every day leading up to the exam, like procrastination doesn’t get better by the time you spend putting off the work it tends to get worse. I agree with the saying “The vaguer the task, or the more abstract the thinking it requires, the less likely you are to finish it.” I agree with this because the more difficult the task it builds a fear of the unknown like the grade you would get the way you will perform on the task and it gets mentally draining. This article shows that even the most punctual people procrastinate; it is almost like every human goes through this. I tend to procrastinate a lot when I have a deadline. I always go on the fact that “I have more time” “is due next week” and I end up doing almost everything last minute. “The key, for Ross, is that although the television-watching self is interested only in watching TV, it’s interested in watching TV not just now but also in the future.”  Reading into this sentence in ten reading the author’s choice on how to describe this was confusing. I was overthinking the meaning of the sentence and it took a while to get what the author meant. 

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