HW 1.4

One thing that I have learned with the education system is that opportunities come and go quite fast and it can impact your life  a great amount. At 10 years old I lived in the Bronx where I did great in school. I was doing so well in school that I got accepted to a program to help students get into specialized high schools. During my 7th grade year my father decided that we should move to Queens. I was devastated to say the least. I did not like the idea of moving out of the Bronx and starting new again. Everything that I knew since I migrated to America was in The Bronx, the huge laundromat on castle hill where my family and I washes our clothes every 2 weeks, the  deli across my middle school for snacks, even the woman who stood a across the street of my school on the corner selling snow cones. But I had no choice but to move to Queens with my family.

Queens wasn’t as bad as I thought. The house we moved to was yellow and spacious, It also had a huge backyard where I often liked to play basketball. My home life was great, until I started 8th grade. I believe that the last year a school grades go up is the worst possible time for you to start a new school. By this time everyone already knows who their friends are and aren’t quite friendly. But making friends wasn’t my issue. When I transferred to this school I was no longer in the program to help students get into specialized high schools. Although this middle school also had a similar program for this purpose I wasn’t accepted into it due to lack of experience in this school. This made me feel a lot more sad because I no longer had this resource to help me. In the end I learned that opportunities go just as fast as they come even in education. This is something to always remember in life and to take full advantage of these opportunities that come your way.

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