Homework 1.4

I don’t know if this is a saying or not but I think it goes like this when you enter high school and college you can be whoever you want or change. That’s what I thought as I entered my first year of high school. At first I was nervous because I knew I had to make new friends the same as I did when I was in middle school but this time it felt scarier. Yes I did make new friends but that didn’t last long because that next following year March 13,2020 to be exact life changed. March 13th 2020 marks a major event in my life as the world suffered a global pandemic. It didn’t just change me but it changed the whole world because we all suffered. And it changed the way education had to be taught.
When Covid was first announced I didn’t think it was nothing serious. I thought I would go back to school that following Monday but when I saw the news it said school would reopen the following week. At first I was excited because it was freshman year I didn’t really want anything to stress me out. Then a week turned into 2 then 2 turned into 3 etc. At that point I knew I wasn’t going back to school no time soon and all the friendships I had will soon fade away or so I thought.  I kept a few friends and other we didn’t talk much but we were still cool even though we didn’t speak to one another. After a month school had resumed but instead of going in person it was through a computer screen. I think it was honestly a great idea because it meant I never had to leave my house lowering my chances of getting Covid. After a while this online classes started getting to me mentally. I was gaining weight because I never left my house and no longer knew how to socially interact with others because it’s not face to face and just over a screen isn’t the same. I think everyone felt that way honestly. Not only that people were constantly dying because of Covid, but because of Covid people were also losing jobs because the bosses had to prevent everyone from getting sick.  I may have never gotten Covid but constantly hearing that my loved ones died from it was a really a heartache.

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