Homework 1.3

After reading three examples from the genre “education narratives” I think some conventions included in this type of writing would be writing in a first person point of view, describing any feelings or thoughts, and including the context or setting. I think making sure the narrative has a solution or possible outcome is needed to get started because in each story we were introduced with a problem and then given a solution from this problem. Some context on the situation and one’s self is also very crucial when writing education narratives. This is because the readers are able to connect to the story on some level, and can also understand it due to the details provided. Some questions I have are how can I make sure my story is understood, or how can i make sure the reader is interested in the outcome if they don’t relate. I was considering writing about an art teacher that did not help me when I needed it. This lack of help made me do poorly in that class freshmen year, but allowed me to grow as a student and as a person. For instance, her lack of helping me made sure that I would seek the help I needed when I had trouble. It made me stand up for myself because it sucks that there are teachers as ignorant as her. I think by writing an education narrative such as this would make a relatable story for students, and be also eye opening for teachers who don’t understand that students are human as well. (Not talking about any of my professors, high school is completely different than college!!!)

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