Homework [1.3]

Based on the story I read in class and the two other stories I read for homework, I believe that the key ”ingredients”of an educational narrative genre are the writer’s personal education journey, the country they come from, their struggles, how they overcame these struggles, and the personal growth they experienced throughout their journey. To begin my own education narrative, I plan to give a little background about myself, such as where I came from and so on. Since it is an educational narrative, I will mostly focus on my educational struggles, how I overcame them, and how I evolved throughout my educational journey. However, I do have some concerns and questions about writing my own education narrative. For instance, I might wonder if my story is relatable to my readers or how interested they would be in it. Educational journey stories can sometimes be boring. Furthermore, I have concerns about sharing my educational struggles because I have struggled a lot, and it may be uncomfortable for me to share these struggles as a writer

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