Homework 1.2

Mike Bunn speaks to the reader through his article, “How to Read Like an Author. How Authors have unique writing styles and methods, just as we as students do in our essays or write in our personal lives. We have our own way of writing and express ourselves in our writing, for example. I express my writing through the essays that I’ve written over the past years, text messages, and handwritten cards that I have sent to my family and friends. Getting either my point through or information. With that existing expertise, it can help me through my college reading and writing career by taking the skills that I’ve learned in the past and present. When reading, I can annotate and take any section and paraphrase it in a way that I’ll be able to understand. While writing, I can try to make it informative by using the right words to get my point across. One thing that I noticed in Bunn’s article that I’ll like to try in my writing is to ask myself more questions about who the author is trying to direct it to so I can have an idea in my head to be able to understand from the author’s first-person point of view.

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