Unit 3 Proposal

For unit 3 I will be writing about how America intervenes in other countries problems etc. I chose this topic because I see the amount of money that all these foreign countries are receiving from the U.S yet its own country can’t have any of this. The audience that I would like to reach out to is the government themselves.  I would like to target this audience because before the President of the United States decides he wants to do something he has to run it by the government themselves and seek approval even though he is a powerful person.  My first step would be to look throughout my research and find where I gave my strongest points against my research.  One thing I would be worried about is maybe it’s not enough information to back up what I’m saying. Yes, I have researched information about how America intervenes in foreign countries and all they are giving but maybe I could have added on saying what they weren’t doing for their own country and the facts on that. Another concern I may have been that this would be more a political writing, so I won’t be able to see any of my audience being kids of this generation even though they are the voice now.

2 thoughts on “Unit 3 Proposal”

  1. America donates billions of dollars to foreign countries while many Americans across the states are struggling to provide for themselves and their families, homeless people everywhere, and many students in debt. All this money America has donated could’ve at least helped many of it’s own people. For your political writing, are you writing it in like a informative article format or kind of a letter to the government? I think you should try and inspire young kids to speak up too as you mentioned kids are future of the world.

  2. I do agree America gives a lot of their money to other countries but can’t seem to help the people of their own. I think for this it would be a great idea to write a letter to the government. I also think that by influencing young minds then you will be able to impact a greater amount of people that actually matter for the future for the U.S. You should also appeal to the emotions of the people of America and talk specifically about the hardships that they go through.

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