Unit 3 Proposal

What I would like to teach my audience is the importance of Artificial Intelligence and why it can have a major impact on everyones lives.  The reason why I want to teach about AI is because I personally find it amazing on how it works and I also know the importance of AI for society as a whole. I wanna reach an audience that is not too educated on the technology side of the world and show them why they should have an interest like I do. The genre I plan on using is a sci-fi genre that has a fictional story with real life facts that I can use. I chose this genre because I want a story that is interesting to readers so that they keep invested in it to learn about AI while they are reading. Fictional stories are also one of the main genres readers read. My plan to getting started is to start to create characters and their background and also the main point of the story and how it will teach the audience the importance of AI. I will also create a timeline and what happens at certain points in the timeline. My first step would be to brainstorm the main characters life and what he or she will be doing throughout the story. The only things that I will worry about is the research that I will have to do to make sure that what I tell in the story is accurate to real facts in the real world.

1 thought on “Unit 3 Proposal”

  1. The topic you choose is not only fun but educational. i like the topic you choose. Many people are not aware of article intelligence and have knowledge about this. i do not have any knowledge about this topic myself and am looking foward to learning more about it. i think choosing a story is very resourceful for your audiences but is their a specific age group you would like to target? If not how will you be able to teach a 9 year old about this compared to a 21 year old? how will you keep the younger audience more entertained compared to the older audience? do you think this type of information be useful in the future if so how?

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