Unit 3 proposal

For unit 3 I will be writing about the differences between wolves’ and dogs’ behaviors but also how they are alike. I chose this topic because it seemed like an interesting fun topic to learn about these two species that have so much in common but live different lifestyles. The audience that I would like to reach is that of people that just want to know more about animals or maybe they are dog lovers learning more facts about their furry friends. I would like to target this audience specifically because I do think that at times people want to read a fun, interesting article about animals just to expand their knowledge. My first step would be finding a particular point from my research that I would like to go into depth more and build from that for my article. One thing that I am worried about is how creative it would be, for example if it is physically appealing. Another would be I don’t want to make something that was supposed to be a fun article into a boring article about 2 kinds of animals.

2 thoughts on “Unit 3 proposal”

  1. If I’m being honest I never thought about the difference in depth between dogs and wolves. I just knew one lived in a house and the other you can find in the woods. It’s great that you chose this topic because as you said there are some people who are dog lovers including myself even if I don’t have one myself. I think you should look into making a Tiktok about your proposal. You can do one of those videos where you do a certain animal vs another and add your own stuff along the way into the video. Besides that you can make it work.

  2. Your Unit 3 topic between wolves’ and dogs’ behaviors is interesting. It’s good to see you choose a subject that not only appeals to animal lovers but also offers a unique perspective on two closely related species. Your target audience, individuals eager to expand their knowledge about animals or passionate dog enthusiasts, is well-defined. I like how you’re going to talk about what makes them different and what they’ve got in common. People who are dog owners would love to know more about this topic which is good. They can learn some fun facts.

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