Unit 3 Proposal

In unit 2, I researched about the Great Depression. I specifically looked for the causes of the Great Depression as well as the hardships people faced during that time. Originally, I wanted to target economists, however I changed my mind now and I want to write directly to people who are investing or people who are just interested in financial related stuff. I hope to teach people on saving money and being cautious when investing your money. I am planning on writing my topic in a Twitter thread because of how clean and organized it looks. Additionally, many people use Twitter so I feel like my message will be shared around. My first step is to gather all the information needed to make a Twitter thread. My only concern not knowing how long the thread should be to receive full credits

1 thought on “Unit 3 Proposal”

  1. i really like your topic of choose. i feel that it is important for people to be aware about the great depression for it has greatly left a permanent mark in todays world. the people who are involved in the financial aspect in todays society especially need to have some sort of knowledge about this. I found it interesting how you will use twitter as a tool to spread your proposal/topic. do you thing people involved in investment and the market economy are most likely to use twitter rather than other social media platforms such as instagram or facebook ? do you think twitter will be able to reach your audience affectively? what kind of information will you be adding in the twitter post, will their be links to articles or videos’?

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