Source Entry #3

Final Source Entry Selina Myrtil

My research question was ” Why does the United States intervene themselves so much in foreign countries? The reason for me choosing this question is because I see it frequently in the news of the United States giving all this money away, so I was curious on why America feels the need to do so.  During my research for the first source entry, I wrote about what other leaders or rulers in foreign countries had to say about America intervening in their countries. In my second source entry I researched the foreign countries that America was giving money to also reviewing the statistics of which countries were receiving the most. And seeing the results were very shocking and made me have even more questions. For example, it had stated in the second source entry I was reading ” Countries that receive the most foreign Aid from the U.S” that “ In 2021 alone – the most recent year for which data is complete – the U.S. gave foreign countries about $52.4 billion”. As much as college students that are in debt and America just giving this amount of money away makes me question the type of country this is. Additionally, by America providing money to Israel during their time of need against Palestine America is gaining an ally in the Middle East having a power over their as well. I learned that America would pay for other countries materials along with help with any problems that country is facing with another. At the end they will have gained an ally and have the ability hold power over that country. And for us to think as Americans from America would ever get help with our needs or even get a share of these billions of dollars that’s being sent everywhere well you would have to find a different way to get what you need.  My audience of my research would be the American government because they’re in charge of any being sent along with President Biden would have to even approve it being sent to the country and the purpose being behind it. There is some information I still would like to include in my research for instance the problems America is facing at the moment for example inflation, food stamps etc. In doing so I would be able to possibly have an estimate how much money America would need for their own problems but the leader does not seem to see it.

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