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Haines, Julia “ Countries That Receive the Most Foreign Aid From the U.S.”, 13 Oct. 2023 Global Map of places America has helped and in which ways 

Julia Haines, ” Countries the receive the most foreign Aid from The U.S.”, was a report published in the U.S. News & World Report. Julia Haines is a Data Editor with U.S. News & World Report where she makes data analysis charts covering topics she writes about.  This article goes in on The Countries that receive the most foreign aid from the U.S and how much is given to each country and the purpose of it.  It shows a chart of 175 countries that receive foreign aid from the U.S.  Additionally, the article unfolds how public surveys were taken on how a majority of Americans believe too much of the federal budget is spend on foreign aid.  Based on the charts not very many people agreed with what the U.S is doing seeing it unfavorable at times and favorable others but at the looks of it from 2022-2023 it seems mere close rather than expected.  As Haines reported ” In 2021 the U.S. gave more than $3.3 billion to Israel, 11% of the year’s entire distribution to specific countries. That year, Israel received more than twice the amount seen by any other country, and nearly all of it was designated as military aid.”  There is no doubt that Israel received the help they needed against Palestine. For the U.S they would be getting a close ally in the Middle East and helping them against Palestine and promote stability in the region.  This is the U.S government plan on getting more power over other countries now in the Middle East with the help of Israel.  In Haines bringing up the amount of money the U.S gave Israel in there needs of survival showing how much powerful and a necessity the U.S can be for countries.  This then goes back to my research question proposal on ” Why does America feel the need to intervene with other countries?” In doing so America giving Israel and giving them support with their own military they’re gaining a person in the inside of the Middle East. Furthermore, Haines reports “ In 2021 alone – the most recent year for which data is complete – the U.S. gave foreign countries about $52.4 billion.  I really question where America gains all this money from. And why can’t their own country get a little of all these billions of dollars?  A change has to be made.

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