Research Question proposal

The research question that I have come up with is Why does the United States intervene themselves so much in foreign countries? From the start of the Russian and Ukrainian war and now with Pakistan and Israel at war, America has helped those in need of support in this case it was Ukraine and now it’s the people of Pakistan. But what about helping the own people in their country?  Biden may not see it because he’s living lavish in the White House in Washington but in New York or other parts of the world people are struggling. It mostly has to do with inflation, the rise of homelessness, pollution, discrimination, people not getting paid enough and the rise of in housing. I understand that America has one of the strongest military, weapon and trading systems but it doesn’t mean they have to join wars that they’re not apart of, and for what more alliances? Everyday I walk the streets of New York and notice everything wrong that could be better . But I usually mainly see homeless people and I honestly feel bad for them. There are many homeless shelters in the United States but it’s either over crowded or unsustainable for them to live. I know especially in times in like this in the cold weather they would love a warm and safe place to sleep but the places that are provided are either one of those or neither.  Additionally the cost of housing in New York could be lowered especially after dealing with the crisis of COVID. Even after the Black Lives Matter movement African Americans are still be treated poorly. All the problems that I’ve stated they don’t have a final solution maybe test trials on finding the right one but will there ever be just the right one ? All around world Americans even have realized within the country nothings ever gonna change about it. We will always have to help other countries. I guess the plus side of helping other you gain alliances but also I think it’s better to focus on your own problems before others

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