Research Question Proposal

My research question is, are we close or are we still far from self teaching artificial intelligence? I want to research more about this question because I truly don’t know how far or how close we are to AI being fully self aware and able to teach itself. I’ve always wondered when will we reach the limit for the evolution of technology? So researching about artificial intelligence and what humans have discovered so far can give an idea on where we are. For example, AI is fairly new and is being used already for coding or doing work for humans already. There are different types of AI too that do different jobs already so are we advancing quick? Or do we still have a long way to go? I expect to find new information related to my question and I also expect to find out about different techniques that engineers are using to advance AI. What I mean by how close or far we are in AI is if we are reaching the limit of AI already or is there still more technology to be discovered and if so, are we close?  I hope to find out that we are just at the tip of the iceberg with AI and that we can find a way to use AI to help with humanities most ongoing problems such as global warming or world hunger. AI has a lot of potential, but is that potential a fantasy? Or a soon to be reality?

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