Research question proposal

The question I chose to use for my research is ” How did evolution of animation in movie production evolved / grown though out the years?”. Hopefully I phrased the question correctly and it will be approved, because I did not know if the question should be referring about the past or the future. I am quite interested in this topic because I always had a passion in a movie and acting industry and having research that will help me dig deeper into this will not only be interesting for me to read and research about, but as well as it can teach me new things I did not know before. I have a pretty high expectation for this research. In this research I want to learn and form a one solid form of information that will have a lot of facts about the past of the movie industry, how it all started, how cinematic effects have changed and grown throughout the years and overall, what industry and cinematography people went through to make it to the point where we are now. Maybe I will even try researching about the potential future growth of movie/cinematic animations that is guaranteed to become real things within about 10 years from now on . – Iuliia K

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