Research Questions Proposal

My research topic I have chosen today is “Why is changing religious teachings and adapting them to the changing moral and societal norms of the present day have such a negative impact?”. Religion was always a part of my life. At first it was something I believed in because of my parents but now it is something I find comfort in. However recently as I have been attending church more and with the changing society norms I have come to realize i do not agree with all the church teachings nor understand why others have not come to terms with the uprising change and failed to embrace those changes. For example with the inclusiveness of the LGBTQ+ community and the rights of a woman’s body to have an abortion.It is something i do not understand and have personal experience with. Not all churches/religions are the same but do follow similar beliefs. Like my church who teaches abortions are a sin and frowned upon but at the same time they teach that a woman’s body is her temple and she must protect it. One contradicting the other but they also don’t take into consideration the cruel world we live in. Not being able to support the child financially or if it was against their will. Another encounter i have came across is the acceptance and inclusion of the LGBTQ+ community they also say i is a sin and frowned upon and yet again the bible says all people are gods kids but they refuse to acknowledge anyone part of that community. I hope to find answers as to why they contradict their own beliefs or find it so negative. I belive I am going to find that it is the older generation who is still stuck with those beliefs. I think I am going to find this because most of the younger generation is more open minded and understanding of these things. 

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